匹兹堡中文学校校讯 - pittsburgh chinese school.doc

匹兹堡中文学校校讯 - pittsburgh chinese school.doc

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匹兹堡中文学校校讯 - pittsburgh chinese school

匹 茲 堡 中 文 學 校 校 訊Pi tt Pittsburgh Chinese School Newsletter May 2008 校長的話 It is hard to believe that another school year has already come to an end. This year, we moved to Allderdice High School in Squirrel Hill. We hired a new Director of Education to increase the teaching quality. We had a competition in writing. We did quite a few performances to outreach to the community and publicize Chinese Culture. We were invited to various symposiums by different organizations to present China and discuss Chinese Culture in the US. Some of our students will attend summer camps in China this summer! Without the support of our parents, teachers, students and our board members, we could not have achieved all the above mentioned accomplishments! However, I do have some concerns for the next semester, and I hope to get answers from every parent, student and teacher. For instance: how many books have you encouraged your students/children to read and complete during the school year? Now students will have a vacation for four months, would you continue to encourage your students/children to learn Chinese? Would you insist that your children speak Chinese at home, attend a Chinese Language Camp in China or here in the US, read a Chinese book or an article for fifteen minutes a day and watch a Chinese movie every week? Believe me, if you do what I’ve just suggested, you will see a big improvement in your child’s Chinese study! Also, we did not have enough students in Lion Dance class this semester. Lion Dance has become a symbol of Chinese Culture; our Lion Dance class was invited to many events this past semester. My heartfelt thanks go to the Lion Dance class students, their teachers and parents. However, next year, three of our Lion Dance class students will graduate, and we will only have three students left in that class, I’m asking for every one to pitch in to make this class work and be successful. Our Waist Drum Class needs to expand – we will build


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