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东莞理工学院城市学院 本 科 毕 业 论 文 毕业论文题目:大病保险发展存在的问题及对策 ——以河北省为例 学 生 姓 名: XXX 学 号: XXXXXXXXXXXXX 系 别: XXXXXXXXXXXXX 专 业 班 级: XX级XXX X班 指导老师姓名及职称: XXX 讲师 起 止 时 间:2016年12月——2017年5月 摘 要 国务院六部委于2012年8月30日共同发布了《关于开展城乡居民大病保险工作的指导意见》,明确规定了城乡居民大病保险的大致框架,保障对象为城镇居民基本医疗保险、新型农村合作医疗的参保群众,在政府的引导下,支持商业保险公司向其购买大病医巧保险,当大病患者治疗时产生了大额医疗费用时,获得商业保险机构城镇居民基本医疗保险或新农合报销完成后,对于个人所需支付的合规费用进行二次报销。 本文开篇阐述了城乡居民大病保险制度所涉及的具体操作过程,并对大病医疗保险的特性以及可持续性内容进行了简要介绍,通过从参保人数、城乡人口分布与个人分配收入、资金来源和筹资标准、大病保险基金未来支付能力预测等方面、进行对河北城乡居民大病保险发展现状及政策实施情况进行介绍,并整合分析河北城乡居民大病保险相关数据,得出下四个有针对性的建议:各级政府进一步加强大病保险工作的组织协调;监管部门进一步加快大病保险的监管制度建设;保险公司进一步加强承办大病保险的专业基础建设。 关键词:大病保险 河北省 对策 ABSTRACT Six ministries of the State Council on August 30, 2012 jointly issued guidance on regarding the development of urban and rural residents illness insurance work, defined the general framework of urban and rural residents illness insurance, guarantee for basic medical insurance for urban residents, the new rural cooperative medical insurance group, under the guidance of the government, to support the Business insurance company to buy medical insurance to Qiao illness the patients had a serious illness when large medical expenses, commercial insurance institutions of basic medical insurance for urban residents and the new rural cooperative medical reimbursement after the completion of the two reimbursement for individuals required to pay the cost of compliance. This paper elaborates the concrete operation process of urban and rural residents illness insurance system involved, and the characteristics of medical insurance and the sustainability of the contents of a brief introduction, from the number of insurance, urban and rural population distribution and the distribution of personal income, sources of funding and financing standard, serious illness insurance fund future ability to pay for forecast. The current situation


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