ch10Internal Marketing(营销管理,菲利普·科特勒教材).ppt

ch10Internal Marketing(营销管理,菲利普·科特勒教材).ppt

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“In a service organization if you are not serving the customer, you had better be serving someone who is.” -Jan Carlzon Chapter Objectives Understand why internal marketing is an important part of a marketing program Explain what a service culture is and why it is important to have a company where everyone is focused on serving the customer Chapter Objectives Describe the four-step process involved in implementing an internal marketing program Explain why the management of non-routine transactions can create the image of being an excellent service provider Internal Marketing Bad service encounters receive more attention than good ones Marketing must be embraced by all employees Differentiation via employees They are the “cast members” Moment of Truth A moment of truth occurs when employee and customer have contact The hospitality industry is unique in that employees are part of the product Employee Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction Link Employee satisfaction creates customer satisfaction Customer dissatisfaction reduces employee satisfaction This is a two-way effect Internal Marketing Process Establishment of a service culture Development of a marketing approach to human resource management Dissemination of marketing information to employees Implementation of a reward and recognition system Establishment of a Service Culture A service culture is a culture that supports customer service through policies, procedures, reward systems, and actions An organizational culture is the pattern of shared values and beliefs that gives members of an organization meaning, providing them with the rules for behavior in the organization Weak Culture Few or no common values or norms Employees unsure of their roles Lack of empowerment affects guest service Marketing Approach to Human Resource Management Create jobs that attract good people Hire the right people for the right job Stress teamwork Importance of Initial Training To be effective, employees m


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