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集团企业运营流程管控 上课时间:2015年11月14-15日 上课地点:中国人民大学汇贤大厦C座705室 讲师简介: 章义伍简历 :著名经理人,实力派管理培训专家。在2001-2006年连续6年被评为“中国十大杰出培训师”,2007年被评为“十大领导力专家”,担任清华大学、北京大学、浙江大学、中山大学、中央党校等总裁班或EMBA班的特聘教授,美国领导力中心《情境领导》认证中文培训师,北京电视台《卓越之道》栏目主讲嘉宾报?名?回?执?表公司名称 是否上市公司 □是???????□否 单位性质 □政府机构?????□国有企业?????□民营企业????□外资企业????□其它(请注明:??????????????????) 联?系?人 性?别 手机 电话/传真 通讯地址 邮编 付款方式 □?电汇??????□?支票??????□?现金???????□?其他? 发票抬头 参会学员信息 姓名 部门 职务 电话、传真 手机 本次培训,你们最关注的问题是: 如有其他特殊情况,请在此说明: 联 系 人:逯老师 联系方式在? 线QQ:1538080851 传????真:010电子邮箱 pseudonym Ding Bingcheng), to Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Taihu Lake area opened work, towards armed, carried out guerrilla race. 4 people such as Ding Bingcheng took Zhang Yan, Zhou Fen, from Shanghai, Zhao Anmin troops stationed at the border of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Ding Bingcheng reach dual-COR, and anti- established contact of Communist Party members, when the Kuomintang military Committee in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Deputy Commander of the Brigade in Taihu Lake and Qian Kangmin, Director of the Department of the Commission (CPC) accompanied by consultations with Commander Zhao Anmin placement I was personnel related issues. Qian Kangmin efforts, Zhao Anmin also agreed to subordinate Gong Shengxiang Brigade guns to form a band in Taihu Lake. Qian Kangmin hired a boat to bring Gong Shengxiang, together with Zhang Yan start, boats to cross near the fan, was seized by Cheng Wanjun. After Cheng Buzheng Jin Lu Wang, Director of training helps releasing personnel, but the weapon lost. Is autumn, Ding Bingcheng Wujiang was ordered to open up again, its task is: towards reconstruction guerrillas, Communist-led team. Along with Liu Zirong (Liu), Zhang Yan (Liu), huada busy (Chen Zhengzhi), Yu Zhe (Zhou Fen), Ye Chu Xiao (Lu Qiusheng), Henry (nandeqin), anti- players. Flat looking men Shen Yuezhen as a guide. Shen Yuezhen Ding Bingcheng single leader, Shen Yuezhen specializing in intelligence work, in September, through Mao Xia


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