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1.Had I been prepared for my English test, I (get) a low grade. 2.Were I in your position, I _________ (ask) for teacher’s help. 3. Should you succeed, everything all right. 1.Mr.Brown ordered that we (should)set off at once. 2.It is requested that an agreement (should) be reached between the two sides. 3.The doctor’s suggestion is that my mother (should) stay in bed for anotherthree days. 4.The suggestion that the plan (should)be delayed will be discussed tomorrow. 1.虚拟语气在表 命令 要求 建议 名词性从句中的运用 -----从句中的谓语-----(should) do V. 命令: order command (要)求: demand desire require 建议: suggest advise propose n. 命令: order command (要)求: demand desire requirement 建议: suggestion advice proposal 注意: 1) It is strange / natural / important impossible / necessary / a pity //no wonder ... that(should)do 2)insist 1.坚持个人观点 2.以发生过的事实 suggest 表明 Read and discover(周报2) 2. would rather that (宁愿) 5. but for(要不是) without 1.要是没有她的帮助,我不可能学好英语。 Without her help,I could not have aquired a good knowledge of English. 2. 我建议我们做我们力所能及的来保护我们的环境。 My proposal is that we should do everything we can to protect our environment. 1.要是没有她的帮助,我不可能学好英语。 2. 我建议我们做我们力所能及的来保护我们的环境。 * 过去 would be wouldn’t have got would ask 现在 将来 选修六 任课教师:周婉燕 Grammar: (虚拟语气在主从复合 句中的用法) 表从 主从 宾从 同位从 (陈述语气) (should)do (陈述语气) 3). It’s (about/high) time + that 过去时 should + v. 你该走了。 It’s high time that you went. It’s high time that you should go. 现在/将来: 过去: 过去时 过完(had done) I would rather you (pay) me now. I would rather (go) you, too. Don’t come. I would rather you (come) tomorrow. paid had gone came Read and discover(周报4) 3. as if /though + 从句 现在: 过去: 过去时 过去完成时 1.She loves the baby as if it (be) her own son. 2. I remember the whole thing as if it


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