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本膳料理 怀石料理 会席料理 sushi 寿司 sashimi 生鱼片 Western-style food is the mother of Italy cuisine! Italy is a nation of gourmet race, they have a long history in the diet, and the strong and simple, pay attention to the original. Italy cuisine is very rich, tens of thousands of people for having heard it many times dishes, in addition to the pizza and Italy powder, seafood and desserts which are be well-known, far and near. Ancient Italy meal, had a profound impact on Europe and the United States Food and beverage, and developed various factions, the United States, including a meal , so it is called the mother of Western-style food . 西餐之母是意大利菜!意大利民族是一个美食家的民族,他们在饮食方面有着悠久历史,且浓重朴实,讲究原汁原味。意大利菜系非常丰富,菜品成千上万,除了比萨饼和意大利粉,它的海鲜和甜品都闻名遐迩。源远流长的意大利餐,对欧美国家的餐饮产生了深厚影响,并发展出包括法餐、美国餐在内的多种派系,故有“西餐之母”之美称。 The main characteristics of the Italy Food pizza macaroni 通心粉 Chinese tableware 舌尖上的美味 A Bite of Delicious 1 The major cooking methods 1.1 炒 目录 contents 1.2 爆 1.4 炸 1.5 焗 1.6 烤 1.3 煎 1.7 烧 1.8 焖 1.9 蒸 1.10炖 1.11煮 1.12生吃 2 China’s eight major schools of cooking 2.1鲁菜 2.2川菜 2.4苏菜 2.3粤菜 2.5闽菜 2.6浙菜 2.7湘菜 2.8徽菜 3 Kinds of western schools of cooking 3.2 United States food 3.3 Japanese food 3.1 British food 4 The tools for eating 3.4 Italy food 4.2 Western tableware 4.1 Chinese tableware The cooking methods in China 炒 fry Fry is the most basic cooking techniques. The raw material are sheet, silk, Ding, strips, blocks, using heat oil, the amount of oil is depend on the number of material. With different material, temperature, and oil temperature, it can be divided into fried, cooked fried method,etc. 炒是最基本的烹饪技法.其原料一般是片,丝,丁,条,块,炒时要用旺火,要热锅热油,所用底油多少随料而 定.依照材料,火候,油温高低的不同,可分为生炒,滑炒,熟炒及干炒等方法. 爆 It means strong and fast and the heating time is very short. The cooking dishes tastes crisp and fresh. this method commonly used mainly for: fried, scallion, sauce and so on. 爆就是急,速,烈的意思,加热时间极短.烹制出的菜肴脆嫩鲜爽.爆法主要用于烹制脆性,韧性原料,如肚子,鸡肫,鸭肫,鸡鸭肉,瘦猪肉,牛羊肉等.常用的爆法主要为:油爆,芜爆,葱爆,酱爆等 . 爆腰花 煎 Fry uses a small a


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