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矿产勘查及矿产资源的基本概念 提 纲 1.矿产勘查及其意义 2.矿产勘查学的定义、性质及研究方法 3.矿产勘查的基本原则及勘查阶段的划分 4.矿产资源和矿产储量 5.矿业权:探矿权与采矿权的定义及其评估 矿是怎么找出来的?《矿产勘查学》与《矿床学》的区别与联系? 1. 矿产勘查的定义、任务和意义 1)矿产勘查的定义和任务 矿产勘查 (mineral exploration) (矿产勘查=矿产资源勘查=矿产地质勘查) 在区域地质调查的基础上,根据国民经济和社会发展的需要,运用地质科学理论,使用多种勘查技术手段和方法对矿床地质和矿产资源所进行的系统调查研究。 Mineral exploration is the process of finding ore (commercially viable concentrations of minerals) to mine. (WIKIPEDIA) Exploration field activities take place as part of a strategy (often called a “play”) to locate and define a particular economically mineable mineral commodity (ore) in a mineral province. (Geological Methods in Mineral Exploration and Mining) 矿产资源是经济建设和社会发展的重要物质基础和工业化基本粮食,也是增强综合国力和进行国际竞争的重要筹码。 尽管人类社会正稳步向信息化社会迈进,但矿产资源仍是人类生产生活所需物质的主要来源,现代工业所需能源的95%、原料的90%以上来自矿产。 9 steps in the life cycle of a mineral deposit 1 Mineral exploration: to discover a mineral deposit. 2 Feasibility study: to prove its commercial viability. 3 Mine development: establishment of thee entire infrastructure. 4 Mining: extraction of ore from the ground. 5 Mineral processing: milling of the ore, separation of ore minerals from gangue material, separation of the ore minerals into concentrates, e.g. copper concentrate; separation andrefinement of industrial mineral products. 6 Smelting: recovering metals from the mineral concentrates. 7 Refining: purifying the metal. 8 Marketing: shipping the product (or metal concentrate if not smelted and refined at the mine) to the buyer, e.g. custom smelter, manufacturer. 9 Closure: before a mine has reached the end of its life, there has to be a closure management plan in place that details and costs the proposed closure strategies. 矿产资源对社会经济持续发展的挑战: 全球的保有矿产资源状况不容乐观; 找矿勘查的效率越来越低、成本越来越越高。 矿产勘查本身面临的挑战: 提高勘查效率,在过去50年间,找矿发现和勘查的本均成本上涨了3倍; 降低勘查风险,找矿勘查是一项高风险的行业,每10000个勘查项目中只有1~2个最终演化成可赢利矿山(Price Stoker, 2002) 。 找矿勘查的低效率和高风险表明我们目前对矿床的形成的了解非常不够,目前所使用的勘查技术(物探、化探等)存在问题; 解决途径:技术创新和知识创新 2.矿产勘查学的定义、性质及研究方法 1)矿产勘查学的定义 2)矿产勘查学的性质 3)矿产勘查学的研究方法 1)矿产勘查学的定义 矿产勘查


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