无锡千禧大酒店 Introduction of Millennium Copthorne Hotels millenniumwuxi.ppt

无锡千禧大酒店 Introduction of Millennium Copthorne Hotels millenniumwuxi.ppt

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“You are the Centre of Our World” “You are the Centre of Our World” 员工生日会 Birthday Party “You are the Centre of Our World” FO 前厅部 HSKP 客房部 Bellman 行李生 Order Taker 客房中心文员 Operator总机接线员 FB Service餐饮服务 Chinese Restaurant Waitress/waiter 中餐厅服务员 Western Restaurant Waitress 西餐厅服务员 Banquet Waiter/Waitress 宴会厅服务员 Lobby Lounge Waitress 大堂吧服务员 “You are the Centre of Our World” Trainee Benefits 实习生福利 每月RMB1000元的实习津贴,另有每月50元左右的员工福利用品;Allowance RMB1000 per month and about RMB50 benefits; 提供往返学校与酒店间的火车票;Commencement and Repatriation train tickets provided; 提供三顿工作餐;Three staff working meals; 提供员工集体宿舍,距酒店步行5分钟;Staff dormitory, 5 minutes distance to hotel; 提供员工制服(免费洗涤且不收取任何押金);Staff uniforms (free laundry and no cash pledge) 每天八小时工作制,每周休息两天;Eight hour working per day and two days of rest; 法定假日加班,支付三倍加班工资;Public holiday overtime,pay wages three times; 报销健康证办理费用;Reimbursement of Health Certificate transaction fee; 每月享有一天有薪病假;Entitled one day paid sick leave each month; 免费英语培训 、员工生日会和相关员工活动(包括集体出游);Free English training, staff birthday party and other activities; 转正后根据岗位确定工资,享有年假,足额购买社保及住房公积金。Salary to be paid per different position after training period. Permanent staff entitled to have Annual leave, Full pay social insurance and housing fund. Thank you, and enjoy our world of hotels 感谢您,并且开始享受我们的酒店世界吧 * * * * * * “You are the Centre of Our World” Lobby Lounge 大堂吧 Location: 1st Floor 地点:1楼大堂 Opening Hours: 07:00 – 23:00 营业时间: 07:00 – 23:00 “You are the Centre of Our World” Irori Japanese Restaurant 聚炉烧日餐厅 Location: 1st Floor 地点:酒店1楼 Opening Hours: 11:30 – 22:00 营业时间: 11:30 – 22:00 営業時間: 11:30 – 22:00 Lunch Hours: 11:30 – 14:30 Dinner Hours: 17:00 – 22:00 午餐: 11:30 – 14:30 晚餐: 17:00 – 22:00 “You are the Centre of Our


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