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The introduction of Japanese garden The historical development of Japanese garden As far as is known, Japan and China are neighbors separated only by a strip of water (一衣带水). From ancient times there has been extensive exchange. The Japanese garden is strongly influenced by Chinese garden , and it gradually formed its own style with Japanese national characteristics. The historical development of Japanese garden The historical development of Japanese garden The basic characteristics of Japanese garden It is said that the Japanese garden initially focused on the part of the Chinese garden and developed into their own cultural tradition. Therefore, Japanese garden was awarded “the best of natural handwork in a limited space.”(在一个有限的空间内形成了最好的自然手工。) The basic characteristics of Japanese garden 1.Miniaturization:The Japanese garden is a miniature and idealized view of nature. Rocks can represent mountains, and ponds can represent seas. 1.微型:日本花园是一个小型和理想化的自然景观。岩石可以代表山脉,池塘可以代表海洋。 2.Concealment:Features are hidden behind hills, trees, groves or bamboo, walls or structures, to be discovered when the visitor follows the winding path. 2.隐趣:景观会隐藏在山,树木,树林或竹子,墙壁或结构之中而被沿着曲径行走的访问者所发现。 The basic characteristics of Japanese garden 3.“Borrowed” Scenery :Small gardens are often designed to incorporate the view of features outside the garden as part of the view which makes the garden seem larger than it really is. 3.借景:小型花园的设计常常是借用了花园之外的一部分景色,这就可以让花园看起来要比原来大得多。 4.Asymmetry :Japanese gardens are not laid on straight axes, or with a single feature dominating the view. 4.不对称:日本花园不会只在一条轴线上进行排布,或只用一种方式来表达其意境。 The basic characteristics of Japanese garden 5.Zen: a few trees, rocks, sky, earth, which contains deep implication, feel the beauty of the garden of empty. 5.禅意:少量的树木、岩石、天空、土地即蕴涵着极深寓意 ,感受园林的空寂之美。 The design elements of Japanese garden Water Rock and sand Garden architecture Ga


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