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一 Life 二 Literary Career 三 Points of View 四 Characteristics of His Plays 五 Famous words In 1925, he won the Nobel Prize . He gave the money to the poor writers. He visited the former Soviet Union in 1931. In 1933, he visited China and met Madam Song Qingling and Mr. Lu Xun. Shaw developed a wide knowledge of music, art, and literature as a result of his mothers influence and his visits to the National Gallery of Ireland. In 1872 his mother left her husband and took her two daughters to London, following her music teacher, George John Vandeleur Lee, who from 1866 had shared households in Dublin with the Shaws. In 1876 Shaw resolved to become a writer, and he joined his mother and elder sister (the younger one having died) in London. Shaw in his 20s suffered continuous frustration and poverty. He depended upon his mothers pound a week from her husband and her earnings as a music teacher. He spent his afternoons in the British Museum reading room, writing novels and reading what he had missed at school, and his evenings in search of additional self-education in the lectures and debates that characterized contemporary middle-class London intellectual activities. 文史地位与贡献 萧伯纳是英国现代杰出的现实主义戏剧作家,是世界著名的擅长幽默与讽刺的语言大师。他一生完成51个剧本;其中《圣女贞德》(1923年)获得空前成功,被公认为他的最佳历史剧,是“作者创作的最高峰”。萧伯纳杰出的戏剧创作活动不仅是他获得了“20世纪的莫里哀”之称,而且“因为他的作品具有理想主义和人道精神,其令人激动的讽刺往往蕴含着独特的诗意之美”,于1925年获诺贝尔文学奖。 * In the early period of his literary career, Shaw wrote some novels, “An Unsocial Socialist” and others, in the traditions of critical realism, bitterly criticizing the stupidity, snobbishness and petty tyranny 暴行of the middle class. In the nineties, Shaw turned to the theatre, first working as a dramatic critic, then writing plays for the stage. He was against “art for art’s sake”. He used the stage to criticize the evils of capitalism. In his plays he laid bare and gross injustice and utter inhumanity of the bourgeois society. He achieved this not so much by the structures of plots in his plays , instead,


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