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* 那些一生都可能去不到的地方 That life could go no where 南巴塔哥尼亚冰原位于智利和阿根廷境内,有数个壮观的大冰川,其中之一就是图中的冰川,位于智利的Torres del Paine国家公园,起源于巴塔哥尼亚安第斯山脉,一直绵延向西分成三支至灰湖。 Southern Patagonia Icefield located in Chile and Argentina, several spectacular glaciers, one of which is the graph of the glacier, located in Chiles Torres del Paine National Park, originated in the Andes of Patagonia, has been stretching westward into three branches to the grey lake. The Chilean glacier. 智利的冰川 The town of SEMA in Malaysia 马来西亚sema小镇 原本只是马来西亚一座小渔村,不过,现在它已发展成为著名的海底世界旅游中心了。这里提供各式各样的水上运动,如:潜水、泛舟、水上冲浪,或者游客可以由此起程前往数个著名的离岛。这里可以轻易的从渔船上买到新鲜的渔猎,并且,还可以携带到酒店亲自下厨或交给酒店处理。 Malaysia was just a small fishing village, but, now it has become famous the world tourism center. Here to provide every kind of water sports such as surfing, diving, rafting,: water, or visitors can travel to a number of famous Islands. Here you can easily from the boat and buy fresh fish, and, can also carry on to the hotel cook or handed over to the hotel. The United States Highway No. 50 美国50号公路 50号快速公路被称为“全美最孤独的公路”,之所以被《生活(Life)》杂志最早冠以此称,因它是美国最荒凉的公路之一,横穿快马递送区,人烟稀少,有许多印第安人部落,著名的死亡谷也在这条路当中,同时也可以带你走进美国最美的一些乡村和文化遗迹。 No. 50 expressway was known as Americas most lonely road, was life magazine (Life) is the earliest known as known, because it is one of the most desolate road across the United States, fast delivery area, sparsely populated, there are many Indian tribes, the famous Valley of death in this way, at the same time, also can bring you into some country and culture remains the most beautiful the United States of America. Xinjiang Yili 新疆伊犁 “不到新疆不知中国之大,不到伊犁不知新疆之美”。伊犁州地处祖国西北边陲、新疆西部,西面与哈萨克斯坦接壤,边境线长2000多公里。 Not less than Chinas Xinjiang, Yili not to know the beauty of Xinjiang. Yili city is located in the northwest border of the motherland, Xinjiang West, West and Kazakhstan border, the border line of 2000 kilometers. Tibet Nam Co 藏纳木错 纳木错是中国第二大的咸水湖。位于西藏中部,为世界上海拔最高的大型湖泊。“纳木错”为藏语,而这个湖的蒙古语名称为“腾格里海”,两种名称都是“天湖”之意。 Nam Co is Chinas second lar


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