王盛世、谢震:木瓜多酚于发酵过程变化之探讨 - 高苑科技大学.pdf

王盛世、谢震:木瓜多酚于发酵过程变化之探讨 - 高苑科技大学.pdf

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王盛世、谢震:木瓜多酚于发酵过程变化之探讨 - 高苑科技大学

高苑學報‧第十六卷第一期(2010/3) ‧第1~14 頁‧1 Investigation of Papaya Polyphenols Change through Fermentation Process Shan-Shue Wang 1 * 、Chen Hsieh 2,3 1 Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Kao Yuan University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. 2 Bridging Global Tech Co., Kaohsiung County, Taiwan, R.O.C. 3 School of Business, Central South University, Chanssha Hunan, P.R.C. E-mail :sswang@cc.kyu.edu.tw* Abstract Papaya is one of major agricultural products in Southern Taiwan. Papaya can help gastrointestinal digestion and is beneficial to human health. Papaya usually has preservation and transportation problems. These problems can be overcome by fermenting papaya with micro-organisms. The fermented papaya broth can reserve the functional ingredients of papaya that are essential contents of functional foods. In this study, the papaya has been fermented by adding exogenous microbes without sugar or with sugar at room temperature. The change of pH and polyphenols in papaya fermentation broth has been successfully investigated during the fermentation process. The pH value used in this study gives little change during fermentation process. However, the polyphenols has been shown a significant change in sugar-added papaya fermentation broth, but only little variation in a non-sugar-added papaya fermentation broth by both total polyphenol determination and HPLC analysis. The level of major absorbance peak shows obviously reducing at or after 7 weeks’ fermentation in sugar-added group, but only a little change in the non-sugar-added group by HPLC chromatograph.


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