彩绒革盖菌cv- 8 漆酶和多酚氧化酶活性 - 生态学杂志.pdf

彩绒革盖菌cv- 8 漆酶和多酚氧化酶活性 - 生态学杂志.pdf

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彩绒革盖菌cv- 8 漆酶和多酚氧化酶活性 - 生态学杂志

生态学杂志  1999 ,18 (6) ∶62 - 64 Chinese Journal of Ecology                                  彩绒革盖菌 CV - 8 漆酶和多酚氧化酶活性 王宜磊  朱  陶 邓振旭 ( 菏泽高等师范专科学校生物系, 山东菏泽 2740 15) Study on Activities of the Laccase and Polyphenol Oxidase of Corilus versicolor . Wang Yilei , Zhu Tao , Deng Zhenxu ( B iology Dep art ment of Hez e Teacher ’s College , Hez e , S han dong 2740 15) . Chinese J ou rnal of Ecology ,1999 ,18 (6) :62 - 64 . Activities of t he laccase and polyp henol oxidase of Coril us versicolor cultured in PD Y fluid medium were studied . The p eak of enzyme production app eared in t he 9t h day for laccase and 14t h for polyp henol oxidase in t he constant temp erature vibration of 30 ℃and 110r/ min and t he maxmum enzyme activity of t he former was 395 . 6u and t he later was 549 . 0u . The optimum temp erature and p H were 25 ℃and 4 . 6 for laccase and 30 ℃and 5 . 0 for polyp henol oxidase . The k + and Zn2 + were 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + + activators for laccase and Mn ,Ba , Mg for polyp henol oxidase , wheras Fe and Ag were inhbited for bot h of t hem . Key words : Coril us versicolor , laccase , polyp henol oxidase . ( )   彩绒革盖菌 Coril us vers icolor 是一 测定 ,它具有较高的漆酶和多酚氧化酶活 种具有木质素降解能力的白腐菌 ,其降解 性 。 ( ) 木素的能力主要取决于木质素过氧化物   化学试剂 :邻联甲苯胺 C. P 、邻苯二 ( ) 酶 、漆酶 、多酚氧化酶和愈创木酚氧化酶的 酚 R . P 为上海试剂总厂生产 ,其余试剂 活力高低 ,所以研究其活力和分泌情况对 均为商品分析纯或化学纯试剂 , 多为上海 木质素的生物降解 、生物制浆和环境保护 试剂总厂生产 。 具有十分重要的意义 。国外已有彩绒革盖


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