《民用建筑电气设计规范》之讨论(Discussion on electrical design specification for civil buildings).doc

《民用建筑电气设计规范》之讨论(Discussion on electrical design specification for civil buildings).doc

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《民用建筑电气设计规范》之讨论(Discussion on electrical design specification for civil buildings)

《民用建筑电气设计规范》之讨论(Discussion on electrical design specification for civil buildings) This article by the lonely ride crazy DT contribution Pdf documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you first select TXT, or download the source file to the local view. (2) HM6813 luxury home music remote controller features - touch button operation, luxurious appearance design, LCD screen display with the host I - striking the basic operating functions of the control room including source selection, volume / tone regulation, MP3 tracks query, radio control I - set by the address code 6, room control, controller correspondence, we can accept control operations of infrared remote controller, * The difference between the code for electrical design of civil buildings and other national standards is discussed. Keywords fire protection zone; building; lightning protection; line laying; AbstractThepaperdiscussesthedifferencebetween Codefor CivilBuildingElectricalDesign andothernationalstandardsandcodes. Keywords Laying Fireproofzone, lightningprotectionofbuilding, line According to the Ministry of construction in Peoples Republic of China Bulletin No. 800th civil building electrical design standard JGJl6 - 2008 will be implemented from August 1, 2008, the current ( code for electrical design of civil buildings JGJ / T 16 - 92 (hereinafter referred to as the regulations) continue to be valid until August 1, 2008. JGJ / T Control distance 16 - 92 has been in effect since August 1, 1993 300m. For 15 years, its scope is wide, content is very detailed, many obscure answer can be found in them, it is not only a set of norms is also like a textbook, for building electrical design work has made a great contribution. but (3) HM21 infrared remote control features - touch button operation, the preferred source function, volume control and tone control function; AM / FM - band radio and single / stereo conversion function (the luxury type); the MP3 player Arias fun


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