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, Journal ofAnhuiAgr.i Sci. 2010, 38( 29): 16184- 16185 郑丹丹 卢瑶 王秀英 (, 132101) [目的]从红圣女黄圣女珍珠深红大枣 4 个品种中筛选出适合吉林地区栽培的品种[方 ]以红圣女黄圣女珍珠深红大 枣 4 个樱桃番茄品种为试材, 通过露地栽培进行品种比较试验, 了解不同樱桃番茄品种在吉林地区的不同产量品质等特征特性[结 果]红圣女果型最小, 单果重 10. 00 g左右, 产量高, 可溶性固形物含量高, 品质最好, 所得产值最高, 抗病性强; 珍珠果型较小, 单果重 1200 g左右, 可溶性固形物含量较高, 品质较好, 产值较高, 抗病性较强; 黄圣女果型相对较大, 果实皮较厚, 颜色鲜黄, 品质相对较好, 产值低, 抗病性最弱, 早疫病发生严重; 深红大枣单果重最大, 产量最高, 皮色较差, 品质一般, 商品性低,所得产值低, 抗病性弱[结论] 红圣女品种的产量最高, 品质最佳, 商品性最好, 适合于吉林地区栽培 樱桃番茄; 品种; 比较 S641. 2 A 0517- 6611( 2010) 29- 16184- 02 Comparison of Cherry Tomato Varieties WANG Xiuying ( Jilin Agricultural Science an T echnology, Jilin, Jilin 132 101) Abstract [ Objective] Themost su itable tomato variety for its pro uction in Jilin was selecte from four tom ato varieties, nam e asRe Cher ry, Y ellow Cherry, Pearl an Dark Re Jujube. [M etho ] The characteristics of y iel an quality of four tom ato varieties: Re Cherry, Yellow Cherry, Pearl an Dark Re Jujube as expermi entalmaterial, w as compare through the cultivation trial in open fiel in the ifferent regions of Jilin. [ Results] Re Cherry ha the h ighest value because of the follow ing characters: m inmi um fruit type( about 10. 00 g/ fruit), h igh output, high content of soluble soli , the best quality, from, iseaseresisting; Pearl ha sm allsize fruit type( 12. 00 g/fruit), h igher content of soluble soli , better quality, higher output, stronger iseaseresisting; Y ellow Cherrywas w ith low pro uction value because of the follow ing character: relatively large fruit type, th ick fruit sk inw ith color of brightyellow, relatively goo quality, thew eakest iseaseresisting an serious early blight; an Dark Re Jujube ha lower pro uction value because of the follow ing character: maxmi um w eight of single fru it, the h ighest y iel , poor sk in color, general quality, lower comm o ity an w eak iseaseresisting. [ Conclusion] The t


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