英语应用文写作之自传(Autobiography of English Practical Writing).doc

英语应用文写作之自传(Autobiography of English Practical Writing).doc

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英语应用文写作之自传(Autobiography of English Practical Writing)

英语应用文写作之自传(Autobiography of English Practical Writing) Autobiography of English Practical Writing 2010-10-11 source: network [big and small] Click: 464 comments: 0 contributions to share, everyone word has been opened Autobiography of English Practical Writing The Writing of Autobiography (autobiographical writing) Autobiography can correspond to the general content of the resume, but it should be expressed in complete sentences, experience, educational background, personal characteristics and so on. Example 1:Lincoln s Autobiography Lincoln s Autobiography I was born February 12, in 1809, Hardin Country, Kentucky. My parents were both born in Virginia of undistinguished families second families, perhaps I should say. My mother, who died in my tenth year, was from a family named Hanks, some of whom now reside in Adams County, and others in Macon County. Illinois. My paternal grandfather, Abraham Lincoln, emigrated, about 1781 or 1782 from, Virginia to Kentucky, where he was killed by the Indians a year or two later, not in battle but when he was laboring to open a farm in the forest. My father, at the death of his father was six, years old, and he grew up literally without education. He moved from Kentucky to Indiana when I was seven. We reached our new home about the time the state came into the Union. It was a wild region, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods. I grew up there. There were so-called schools, but no other qualification was ever required of a teacher beyond reading, writing and adding If a stranger supposed. To understand Latin happened to reside for a time in the neighborhood, he was looked on as a wizard. There was absolutely nothing to excite ambition for education. Of course, when I came of age, I did not know much. Still, somehow I, could read, write, and add, but that was All., The, little, advance, I, now, made, upon, this, of, education, store, I, have, picked, up,, under, the, have, pressure, of, necessity. I was raised t



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