第四课 单词.docx

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第四课 单词

stagen.阶段;?舞台;?戏剧;?驿站vt. vi.上演,演出;?筹办,举行;?适于上演;?坐公共马车旅行vt.举行;?展现;?上演;?筹划vi.适于上演,适合在舞台上演出;?乘公交车(或驿车)旅行;?[军事]中间集结,扎营1. The action takes place on a steeply raked?stage. 表演是在一个坡度很大的舞台上举行的。2. Each?stage?of the battle was carried off flawlessly. 战斗的每个阶段都进展顺利。3. Atlantic City is the hot favourite to?stage?the fight. 在大西洋城举行这场拳击比赛是众望所归。4. Howard wanted to be a popular singer, but?stage?fright crippled him. 霍华德想成为流行歌手,但因怯场而心生畏惧。5. The situation is long past the?stage?when anyones advice would help. 情况早变了,不是谁提个建议就能补救的事儿。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典1.?N-COUNT (活动、过程或时期的)阶段,部分?A?stage of?an activity, process, or period is one part of it.??The way children talk about or express their feelings depends on their age and?stage?of development... 儿童谈论或表达自己感情的方式取决于他们的年龄和所处的发育阶段。Mr Cook has arrived in Greece on the final?stage?of a tour which also included Egypt and Israel. 库克先生在行程的最后一站来到了希腊,他此行还包括了埃及和以色列。2.?N-COUNT 舞台;戏台?In a theatre, the?stage?is an area where actors or other entertainers perform.??The road crew needed more than 24 hours to move and rebuild the?stage?after a concert... 一场音乐会结束后,巡回乐队管理组需要用一天多时间搬走和重新搭起舞台。I went on?stage?and did my show. 我上台作了表演。3.?N-SING 舞台表演;戏剧演出?You can refer to acting and the production of plays in a theatre asthe stage?.??Madge did not want to put her daughter on the?stage... 玛奇不想让自己的女儿从事戏剧表演。He was the first comedian I ever saw on the?stage. 他是我在舞台上看到过的第一位滑稽演员。4.?VERB 组织上演(戏剧、演出等)?If someone?stages?a play or other show, they organize and present a performance of it.??Maya Angelou first?staged the play And I Still Rise in the late 1970s. 马娅·安杰卢在 20 世纪 70 年代后期第一次将戏剧《我还会站起来》搬上了舞台。5.?VERB 组织(活动或仪式)?If you?stage?an event or ceremony, you organize it and usually take part in it.??Russian workers have?staged a number of strikes in protest at the republics declaration of independence... 俄罗斯工人已经举行了数次罢工,抗议该共和国宣布独立。At the middle of this year the government?staged a huge military parade. 今年年中,政府举行了一次盛大的阅兵活动。6.?N-SING (尤指政治)舞台,活动领域?You can refer to a particular area of activi


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