2011年7月自考真题内科护理学(July 2011 self-examination, internal medicine nursing).doc

2011年7月自考真题内科护理学(July 2011 self-examination, internal medicine nursing).doc

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2011年7月自考真题内科护理学(July 2011 self-examination, internal medicine nursing)

2011年7月自考真题内科护理学(July 2011 self-examination, internal medicine nursing) In 2011, I studied the simulation of internal medicine nursing 1. A single choice question (15 points for each of the 15 questions) Only one of the four options listed in each of the questions is eligible for the title, and please fill in the following brackets. There is no separation between choice, multiple choice, or not. 1. The correct concept of synchronous current law is () A. the P wave in the ekg triggers the discharge B. T waves in the electrocardiogram trigger discharge C. The R wave in the electrocardiogram triggers the discharge D. Discharge at any time in the ecg 2. In the nursing measures for treating the patients with angina pectoris with nitroglycerin treatment, the incorrect is () A. Under the tongue under the tongue, usually 3 to 5 minutes can be relieved B. If there is a facial flush, headache, and palpitation after medication, stop the drug C. avoid standing position for the first time D. The medicine should be kept out of light, preferably in six months 3. The main diagnostic method for pre-stage contractions (premature pulsation) is () A. echocardiography B. radionuclide examination C. electrocardiogram (ecg) D. coronary angiography 4. The pathological basis of the main clinical manifestations of left heart failure is () A. Pulmonary congestion B. Pulmonary congestion and cardiac drainage decreased C. Decreased cardiac output D. Blood circulation in the circulatory vein 5. The first drug to control the acute onset of asthma is () A. beta 2 agonist B. glucocorticoids C. Anticholinergic drugs D. Sodium cromoglyate 6. The time of the test of tuberculin test results is after injection () 8 hours A. B. 12 hours C. 24 hours D. 72 hours Step 7:4 steps to evacuate the ventilator are () A. Evacuation ventilator - continue to absorb oxygen - air - air - extractor tube B. Airbag air - tubule - evacuation ventilator - continue to absorb oxygen C. Evacuating ventilators - air sacs air -



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