第一节 新生儿的特点及护理1(Section 1 characteristics and nursing of neonates 1).doc

第一节 新生儿的特点及护理1(Section 1 characteristics and nursing of neonates 1).doc

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第一节 新生儿的特点及护理1(Section 1 characteristics and nursing of neonates 1)

第一节 新生儿的特点及护理1(Section 1 characteristics and nursing of neonates 1) Section 1 characteristics and nursing of neonates 1 1. Physiological characteristics of newborn babies (1) nervous system and sensory organs Newborns have a relatively large brain, with a weight of 10 to 12 percent of their weight (adults only account for 2 percent). The brain stem and spinal cord develop better, so the newborn has an uncontrollable and incongruous movement. The cerebral cortex is excitatory low, easy to fatigue, awakening time a day and night only 2 ~ 3 hours, in addition to the milk, urinating, all in the sleep situation. Figure 2-1 fetal blood circulation Newborns have special nerve reflections, such as feeding, sucking, hugging, holding and other reflections. The disappearance of these reflections during the neonatal period often indicates serious illness or intracranial lesions (such as craniocerebral injury, hemorrhage, edema, etc.). In addition, the newborns of Babinski, Kernnig, ankle clonus, and facial nerve reflex were positive, and the abdominal wall reflected and the testical reflection were unstable for the first few months after birth. The detection method of neonatal nerve reflex: The rooting reflex, which touches a newborns cheek, turns its head reflexively to the side, and if it touches its upper lip, it appears foraging and pouting. A reflex reflex can cause a rhythmic sucking motion in the mouth of the mouth by gently touching the lips of the baby. Embrace reflex (Moro s reflex) baby lie on your back on the examining table, blow the head end any side of the table, or let the babys head and neck stretched outside the station, by the inspectors steady hands, then suddenly down son first 10 ~ 15 degrees, baby suddenly outreach, two arms unbend, which in turn are embracing flexion and adduction. Grip reflex (grasping reflex) with your finger or a stick side by feet touch the babys palm, causing fingers flexion grasping action, hold. Reflex (cross leg crossed extension


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