牛津译林版英语9上 Unit 4 Task.ppt

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牛津译林版英语9上 Unit 4 Task

1. 直到你走进屋子才会发现不同寻常之处。 You _________________________________ you enter the house. 2. 他把自行车给一个无力购买自行车的男孩。 He gave his bicycle to a boy ______________ ____________. 3. 年轻人应该照顾年长者。 The young ___________________________ ____________ the elderly. 翻译句子: will not find anything unusual until who can not afford one should care for / look after / take care of 4. 冰箱里有剩余的牛奶吗? ___________________ in the fridge? 5. 她似乎每天精力充沛。 She ____________________ every day. 6. 我们都应该有一颗爱心。 We ______________________________. Is there any milk left seems to be energetic should all have a heart full of love 根据提示翻译下列句子。 1. 令我惊讶的是爸爸不同意给我买新自行车。 __________________________________ _________________________________ 2. 王老师乐于帮助别人。 _________________________________ _____________________________ 3. 简才刚刚四十出头。 __________________________________ To my surprise, my father didn’t agree to buy me a new bike. Mr Wang is ready to help others. Jane is only in her early forties. Write about the person who has influenced you most. Use the article on page 60 as a model. * The person who has influenced me most Objectives To learn to talk about a person’s life To learn some key words and useful expressions Ask and answer in pair about the following questions: What do you think of Anne Frank? 2. What do you know about World War II? 3. Do you like Japanese? Why or why not? 4. What will you do if Japan starts a war with China? 1. Phrases: in his fifties not….until… be ready to give money to someone in need to my surprise donate blood cells to people with blood cancer he seemed to be kinder to others than to his family 在他五十多岁时 直到…才(开始)… 乐于做某事/准备好做某事 把钱给需要的人 令某人惊奇的是 把血细胞捐赠给患有血癌的人们 比起家人他似乎对他人更好 1.pop stars 2. sports stars 3. movie stars 4. your family members 5. your friends 6. policeman 7. soldiers (战士) 8. … Who is the person influenced you most? A Mr Wu is askin


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