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今年的世界500强CEO中,只有14%来自公司所在国之外的国家。今天我们就来盘点一下这些克服了重重困难,最终在异国他乡走上世界500强公司最高领导职位的商界精英们。 世界500强十大外来CEO盘点 Indra Nooyi - PepsiCo Company headquarters: U.S. CEOs home country: India Indra Nooyi was born and educated in Chennai, India, received an MBA at the Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta, and made her way to Yale to earn yet another MBA, which she completed in 1980. After stints at Boston Consulting Group and Motorola, Nooyi joined PepsiCos (PEP, Fortune 500) strategy and development team as an SVP in 1994. She moved her way up the ranks at the company and was named CEO in October 2006. PepsiCo has made major investments in India, China, and Russia. In 2011, PepsiCo acquired Russian yogurt company Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods for $4.2 billion, giving it a major opening into the Eastern European market. Nooyi has also focused on bolstering PepsiCos nutritional reputation abroad. I grew up in an emerging market, and I cannot forget that, Nooyi told Fortune in 2004, when she was CFO of the company. I have a basic belief that positive nutrition is important in developing markets. 卢英德——百事可乐公司 公司总部:美国 CEO原籍所在国:印度 卢英德出生在印度金奈,并在那里接受教育,后来在加尔各答获得印度管理学院(Indian Institute of Management)的MBA学位,之后进入耶鲁大学(Yale),在1980年完成学业并获得另外一个MBA学位。 卢英德曾先后在波士顿咨询集团(Boston Consulting Group)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)任职,1994年加入百事可乐公司【PepsiCo,《财富》500强(Fortune 500)】战略与发展团队,担任高级副总裁。之后,她在公司不断得到升迁,最终在2006年10月被任命为CEO。百事可乐公司在印度、中国和俄罗斯进行了大规模投资。2011年,百事可乐公司以42亿美元收购了俄罗斯酸奶公司Wimm-Bill-Dann Foods,从而打开了进入东欧市场的大门。 卢英德还非常关注在海外维持百事可乐公司在营养方面的声誉。2004年,时任公司CFO的卢英德在接受《财富》杂志采访时说:“我在一个新兴市场长大,这一点我永远不会忘记。我有一个最基本的信念:对于发展中市场来说,能带来积极影响的营养产品很重要。” Muhtar Kent - Coca-Cola Company headquarters: U.S. CEOs home country: Turkey Kent is a born globetrotter. His father was a Turkish diplomat and he traveled all over the world with his family as a child. He was born in New York City, educated in Turkey and the UK, and eventually made his way to Atlanta to work at Coca-Cola (KO, Fortune 500). Kent pu


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