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不同穴位对胃运动异常大鼠双相调节效应探究文章编号:0255-2930(2007)11-0839-04 中图分类号:R 245.9文献标识码:A机理探讨 [摘 要] 目的:探讨不同穴位对胃运动异常大鼠的双相调节效应以及产生这种效应的神经机制。方法:采用神经电生理学方法,用微电极细胞外记录大鼠孤束核单个神经元的活动,观察在正常生理状态及胃运动增强和胃运动抑制的病理状态下,分别针刺“足三里”“内关”“中脘”“气海”对孤束核神经元放电及胃内压的影响。结果:在正常生理状态及胃运动增强和胃运动抑制的病理状态下,针刺“足三里”“内关”均以促进胃运动为主,而针刺“中脘”“气海”均以抑制胃运动为主,且针刺以上不同穴位均有效激活了孤束核神经元放电。结论:穴位的双相调节作用并不一定是同一穴位对不同病理状态下的内脏器官有双相调节效应,可能表现为不同穴位的综合作用是纠正机体机能活动向正常平衡与稳态状态方向的良性调节。 [主题词] 胃肠活动/针灸效应;双相调节作用;选穴;大鼠 Study on dual-directional regulation induced by acupuncture at different acupoints in the rat with motility abnormality of the stomach SUN Guo-jie,WANG Shu-ju,DU Yan-jun,HU He-ping,WU Xu-ping,KONG Li-hong (Hubei College of TCM,Wuhan 430061,China) ABSTRACT Objective To probe into the bidirectional regulation of acupuncture in the rat with motility abnormality of the stomach and the nerve mechanism. Methods Adopting electrophysiological methods,the extracellular discharge signals of neuronic action in NTS were recorded with glass microelectrodes. The effects of acupuncture at “Zusanli” (ST 36),”Neiguan” (PC 6),”Zhongwan” (CV 12) ,”Qihai” (CV 6) on discharges of NTS neurons and intra-gastric pressure were observed in the rat at normal physiological state,and increase or reduction of gastric motility. Results Acupuncture at “Zusanli” (ST 36),”Neiguan” (PC 6) could significantly promote gastric motility of the rat at normal status,increase or reduction of gastric motion,while acupuncture at “Zhongwan” (CV 12),”Qihai” (CV 6) could significantly inhibit gastric motion. And acupuncture at all the above acupoints could activate discharges of NTS neurons. Conclusion The bidirectional regulation effect of an acupoint does not certainly indicate that the same point has bidirectional regulation effect on an internal organs at different pathological states,while this may show synthetic action of different points which is a good regulation towards normal states and homeostasis. KEY WORDS Gastrointestinal Motility/am eff;Biphasic Regulati



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