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妊娠高血压治疗前后患者血管内皮细胞功能及氧自由基变化[摘要] 目的 观察妊娠高血压疾病(PIH)患者治疗前后血管内皮细胞功能和氧自由基的变化。 方法 对40例PIH患者(观察组)进行治疗前后血浆内皮素-1(ET-1)、一氧化氮(NO)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和丙二醛(MDA)含量测定,另选择30例同期入院的正常妊娠孕妇作为对照组。 结果 观察组患者治疗前血浆NO和SOD含量明显低于对照组,ET-1和MDA含量明显高于对照组(P均 < 0.01)。治疗1周后,观察组患者血浆NO和SOD含量较治疗前明显上升,ET-1和MDA含量较治疗前明显降低(P均 < 0.05)。 结论 PIH患者血浆SOD/MDA和NO/ET-1比例失调,表明PIH患者体内存在氧自由基代谢和血管内皮功能紊乱。血浆SOD/MDA和NO/ET-1比例可作为PIH患者治疗疗效随访和预后观察的指标。通过纠正血浆SOD/MDA和NO/ET-1比例失调,可为PIH防治提供一种新的方法。
[关键词] 妊娠高血压疾病;血管内皮细胞;氧自由基
[中图分类号] R714.24+6 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2012)06-0110-02
The changes of vascular endothelial cell function and oxygen free radical in patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome before and after treatment
LING Jie1 LUO Lifei2 HAN Zihua2
1.Laboratory Department of the First People’s Hospital of Taizhou City, Taizhou 318020, China; 2.Laboratory Department of Luqiao District of Taizhou Hospital, Taizhou 318050, China
[Abstract] Objective To observe the changes of vascular endothelial cell function and oxygen free radical in patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome (PIH) before and after treatment. Methods A total of 40 cases of PIH patients (observation group) were tested for plasma endothelin-1 (ET-1), nitric oxide (NO), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents before and after treatment, and another 30 cases with normal pregnancy admitted to hospital during the same period of time were selected as control group. Results The plasma NO and SOD of the observation group were significantly lower than those of the control group, and ET-1 and MDA were significantly higher (all P < 0.01). After treatment one week, plasma NO and SOD levels increased significantly compared with those before treatment in observation group; ET-1 and MDA levels were significantly lower than those before treatment (all P < 0.05). Conclusion The imbalance of SOD/MDA and NO/ET-1 in the plasma of patients with PIH showes free radicals and endothelial dysfunction in vivo. It provides a new
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