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新鲜全血标本在血细胞研究仪日内质量控制可行性探析[摘要] 目的 探讨新鲜全血参考标本日内连续、多次实时监测作为血细胞分析仪维持良好精密度和稳定性的可行性。方法 选择有校准品提供且性能良好的XE-2100血细胞分析仪为实验仪器。用新鲜全血标本结果与配套质控品结果相近的作为正常参考标本,以四种不同方式进行测定红细胞、白细胞、血红蛋白、红细胞压积、血小板结果的偏差变化。结果 四种方式中参考标本在室温条件下白细胞、红细胞、血红蛋白及其参数在8h内多次测定的结果非常稳定,偏差很小,重复性好,各参数变化幅度均不大,结果均优于配套质控物。各方式之间比较无显著性差异(P0.05)。结论 新鲜全血参考标本用于血细胞分析仪日内质量控制是可行的,且方法简便、经济实惠。
[关键词] 新鲜全血;全血校准物;血细胞分析仪;质量控制
[中图分类号] R197.39[文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-9701(2010)04-22-02
Explore the Feasibility of Day’s Quality Control in the Blood Cell Analyzer Using the Fresh Whole Blood Samples Moniting
LI XiaopingLI WeixuanQIU Zhiqi
Clinical Laboratory of the First People?s Hospital of Foshan,Foshan 52800,China
[Abstract] Objective Explore the fresh whole blood reference samples of consecutive days,multiple real-time to monitor the blood cell analyzer to good precision and stability and assure the accuracy and comparability of blood cell analyzer?s results. Methods Choose the XE-2100 blood cell analyzer which provides calibrator and good performance as a reference instrument,and use a reference instrument calibrated to valuation fresh whole blood anticoagulant,and set the value as a reference sample of fresh blood on the XE-2100 blood cell analyzer for real-time quality control of days. Results When the reference samples of four ways under the room temperature,white blood cells,red blood cells,hemoglobin and its parameters measured several times in the 8h results are very stable,deviation is very small,good reproducibility,and the magnitude of changes in each parameter are not large.at last, the results were better than the complete quality control substance. There was no significant difference in the comparison between the way(P0.05). Conclusion Fresh whole blood for blood cell analyzer days quality control?s method is feasible,simple,and cost-effective
[Key words] Fresh whole blood;Whole blood calibrator;Blood cell analyzer;Quality control