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8 1 宝石和宝石学杂志 Vol. 8 No. 1
2006 3 Jour al of Gems a d Gemmology Mar. 2006
蓝 延, 赵曼曲, 陈 春
( , 518026)
: 采用显微镜和X 射线荧光光谱分析方法对掺 Ir 黄金饰品的外观 征掺入物的化学成分存在形式
等进行了研究研究表明, 掺入物主要为 Ir, Ru, Os 等, 它们以独立物相赋存于黄金饰品中掺入比例
w ( Ir+ Os) w ( Ru) 变化于65% ~ 70% 30% ~ 35% 之间掺入物的密度与足金的相近在黄金饰品中掺入Ir
等物质明显是掺杂行为, 导致黄金成色不足对掺 Ir 黄金饰品的检测方法进行了探讨
: 黄金饰品; Ir; 掺杂; X 射线荧光光谱分析
: P61928 : A : 1008214X( 2006)
Characteristics of IridiumDoped Gold Jewelry and Its Determination
LAN Ya , ZHA O Ma qu, CHEN Chu
( S henz hen L a bor at or y , N ati onal Cent re f or Quali ty S up e rv is ion
and T est ing of Gem st one, Shenz hen 518026, Chi na)
Abstract: T he superficial characteristics of iridiumdoped gold jew elry a d the occurre ce a d
the chemical compositio s of doped material i gold jew elry have bee i vestigated by usi g op
tical microscopy a d Xray fluoresce ce spectrum a alysis. T he results show that the doped
materials are iridium, ruthe ium, osmium, etc, w hich occur i i depe de t phase. T he pro
portio of w ( Ir+ Os) w ( Ru) is 65%~ 70% 30%~ 35% . T he de sities of the doped materi
als are co siste t w ith that of gold. T he dopi g materials i gold jew elry result i the i suffi
cie t purity. T he testi g metheds of iridiumdoped jew elry are probed.
Key words: gold jew elry; iridium; dopi g; Xray fluoresce ce spectrum a alysis
, ,
A u 1
( Ir) ( Ru) ( Os) , Ir,
Ru, Os A u Ir ,
, ,
, Au ! ∀
, Au , GIA ,
Au , X , (
Au , ,
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