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翻译样稿(Translation Sample) 北京华译网翻译公司(Beijing HuayiNet Translation Company) 11 密封性能 Sealing Performance 11.1.1 试验目的 Test aim 检查动车组整车的水密性能。 Check the watertight performance of the entire vehicle of MU. 11.1.2 试验依据 Test reference 1.4 通用标准及依据。 1.4 General standards and references. 11.1.3 试验条件 Test condition 试验对象:CRH1-064E 号动车组 9 车~16 车; Testing object: vehicle 9~vehicle 16 of No.CRH1-064E MU; 试验地点:青岛 BST 工厂; Testing place: Qingdao BST Plant; 试验时间:2009 年 10 月 13 日; Testing time: October 13, 2009; 天气情况:晴。 Weather: fine 11.1.4 试验设备 Test equipment 无。 Non. 11.1.5 试验方法 Test method 试验前确认动车组处于整备状态,门、窗等关闭;将被试车辆置于淋雨设 备下,对整车采用固定方式喷水,试验过程中车辆和喷水装置都不移动, 喷水时间持续 10~30 分钟。 Before the test, confirm that the MU is in prepared state and all doors and 翻译样稿(Translation Sample) 北京华译网翻译公司(Beijing HuayiNet Translation Company) 翻译样稿(Translation Sample) 北京华译网翻译公司(Beijing HuayiNet Translation Company) windows are closed; place the tested ve hicles under rain equipment, and adopt fixed type sprinkling to the entire vehicle. During the test, the vehicle and sprinkling device are not allowed to move, and the sprinkling should be maintained for 10 top 30min. 淋雨结束 10~20 分钟内,检查车辆内部尤其车窗、门、风挡连接处、顶部 等位置有无渗漏,开盖检查顶部空调机柜、主断箱等位置有无渗漏。 Within 10 to 20min after the sprinkling is completed, check the internal of the vehicle, especially the windows, doors, connection parts of wind screen, and the top of the train are leaking. Open the cover, check if the top air conditioner cabinet, the box of main circuit br eaker, and other places are leaking. 11.1.6 试验评定 Test Evaluation 车内各部位不得有渗漏。 All parts in the vehicle sh ould be



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