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Chapter 42 Circulation and Gas Exchange Overview: Trading Places Every organism must exchange materials with its environment Exchanges ultimately occur at the cellular level In unicellular organisms, these exchanges occur directly with the environment For most cells making up multicellular organisms, direct exchange with the environment is not possible Gills are an example of a specialized exchange system in animals Internal transport and gas exchange are functionally related in most animals Concept 42.1: Circulatory systems link exchange surfaces with cells throughout the body In small and/or thin animals, cells can exchange materials directly with the surrounding medium In most animals, transport systems connect the organs of exchange with the body cells Most complex animals have internal transport systems that circulate fluid Gastrovascular Cavities Simple animals, such as cnidarians, have a body wall that is only two cells thick and that encloses a gastrovascular cavity This cavity functions in both digestion and distribution of substances throughout the body Open and Closed Circulatory Systems More complex animals have either open or closed circulatory systems Both systems have three basic components: A circulatory fluid (blood or hemolymph) A set of tubes (blood vessels) A muscular pump (the heart) Fig. 42-3 Fig. 42-3 Organization of Vertebrate Circulatory Systems Humans and other vertebrates have a closed circulatory system, often called the cardiovascular system The three main types of blood vessels are arteries, veins, and capillaries Arteries branch into arterioles and carry blood to capillaries Networks of capillaries called capillary beds are the sites of chemical exchange between the blood and interstitial fluid Venules converge into veins and return blood from capillaries to the heart Vertebrate hearts contain two or more chambers Blood enters through an atr



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