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figures of speech/rhetorical devices ?Literal language and figurative language Words used in their original meanings for communicating ideas are used literally, while words used in extended meanings for the purpose of making comparisons or calling up pictures in the reader’s or listener’s mind are used figuratively. New shops have sprung up in recent years. (literal language) New shops have sprung up like mushrooms in recent years. (figurative language) Classification of Figures of Speech simile, metaphor, personification, metonymy, synecdoche, irony, overstatement, understatement, euphemism, oxymoron, transferred epithet, alliteration, onomatopoeia, parody, pun, climax 1.????? Simile (明喻) A simile is an explicit comparison between two distinctly different items/elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common by the use of like or as. 1) Characteristics of a simile a. comparative words: like /as; b. tenor; vehicle c. totally different things of different properties. d. one quality in common E.g.: My love is like a red, red rose. 2) Patterns of simile ?? X is like Y My wife’s new hat is like a lighthouse. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. ? ?? X…as /(as…as)/ as if/ though Y You cannot hope to move me, as you cannot expect the sun to rise in the west. Men fear death, as children fear to go in the dark. (Francis Bacon) ?? X is to A what Y is to B Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Judicious praise is to children what the sun is to flowers. ? X is …no more than Y A home without love is no more than a body without a soul. ?? X … and Y (This is a special simile, which often occurs in English proverbs.) A word and a stone let go cannot be recalled. ??? 2. Metaphor(暗喻) A metaphor is the use of a word which denotes one thing to refer to another with a similar quality.



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