谈论美国早期经济政策(Talking about early American economic policy).doc

谈论美国早期经济政策(Talking about early American economic policy).doc

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谈论美国早期经济政策(Talking about early American economic policy)

谈论美国早期经济政策(Talking about early American economic policy) In October 24, 1929, the outbreak of an economic crisis, the largest in the history of capitalism. Within a week, Americans have lost in the stock exchange within the wealth of $10 billion, farmers in order to destroy the excess products, pour the milk into the Mississippi river. New York was a popular song: Mellon whistle sounded, Hoover rang the bell. Wall Street signal, America went to hell! 20s madness hidden crisis In 1920, the first World War broke out for the first time after the economic crisis of the capitalist world. After the crisis, the U.S. economy in the stock and bond bubble economy under the influence of rapid growth, has created a miracle in the history of capitalist economy. From 1923 until the fall of 1929, the annual growth rate of productivity reached 4%. At the same time, the values of American society are changing. Although the values of the Puritan tradition are still popular in rural areas in the city, but the dominant moral concept has undergone tremendous changes. Get rich becomes the biggest dream, speculation favored, organized crime and pleasure prevailed. Quite a few people who indulge in pleasures and material, spiritual life reflects the impetuous and vulgar, that many American historians have the United States called on the spirit of starving time or 20s madness. In 20s the last century despite the prosperity of capitalism has created a golden period of development, but this prosperity itself is lurking deep contradictions and crises. The first is the United States agriculture long-term in a depressed state, lack of purchasing power in rural areas. In 1919, farmers income accounted for 16% of national income, and in 1929 accounted for only 8.8% of national income, farmers went bankrupt. About 1 / 3 of the per capita income of farmers is only the national average income. Secondly, the United States is the redistribution of industrial growth and social wealth extreme imbalance.



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