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中国海商法年刊 Vo l. 21 No.3 第 21 卷第3 期 2010 年 9 月 Annual of China Maritime Law Sep. 2010 韩立新. (鹿特丹规则》下可流通提单物权凭证功能沦丧抑或传承? [1].中国海商法年刊 .2010.21( 3) , 1-7. 《鹿特丹规则》下可流通提单物权凭证功能沦丧抑或传承γ 韩立新 〈大连海事大学法学院,辽宁大连 116026) 摘要:{鹿特丹规则》本身来涉及运输单证的物权凭证功能,也未曾想否认此功能. (鹿特丹规则》第 47 条在固 守凭单放货原则的同时,承认严格条件下合法无单放货的例外,这种原则与例外的关系体现了船货双方利益的博 奔与协调A鹿特丹规则》第 47 条规定的交货方式并非要破坏提单制度,而是尽可能在最大程度上恢复传统提单制度 的价值和完整性. 关键诩:鹿特丹规则;可流通提单:物权凭证 中图分类号:DF961. 9 文献栋;t;码 :A 文章编号:1003-7659-(2010)03-0001翩。7 The function of document of title of negotiable bill of lading under the Rotterdam Rulea extinction or continuity? HAN Li-xin (Law School , Dalian Maritime University , Dalian 116026 ,China) Abstract: In the light that some scholars have suggested that the function of document of title of negotiable bill of lading has been extinguished or declined. based on a critical analysis. it seems that the Convention itself has not even touched on the function of document of title , it does not deny such function as wel l. Article 47 under the Rotterdam Rules has been designed upon a critical logic. Holding the principle in respect of delivery on a sound document , it acknowledges the exception as to ..justified delivery without production of bill of lading under stringent conditions. Such principle-and俑.exception relationship demonstrates the balance and compromise between the shipowner and cargo owner in the sense of benefit. The manners of delivery stipulated under Article 47 purports to restore the


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