
secured electronic voting protocol using biometric authentication安全的电子投票协议使用生物认证.pdf

secured electronic voting protocol using biometric authentication安全的电子投票协议使用生物认证.pdf

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secured electronic voting protocol using biometric authentication安全的电子投票协议使用生物认证

Advances in Internet of Things , 2011, 1, 38-50 doi:10.4236/ait.2011.12006 Published Online July 2011 ( Secured Electronic Voting Protocol Using Biometric Authentication 1 2 Kalaichelvi Visvalingam , R. M. Chandrasekaran 1SRC-Sastra University, Kumbakonam, India 2Annamalai University , Annamalai Nagar, Pakistan E-mail : kalaichelvi2k@ Received June 16, 2011; revised July 5, 2011; accepted July 11, 2011 Abstract This paper proposes a new secure e-voting protocol. This new scheme does not require a special voting channel and communication can occur entirely over the existing Internet. This method integrates Internet convenience and cryptology. In the existing protocols either the tallier has to wait for the decryption key from voter till the voting process is over or the verification process has to wait until the election is over. But in the proposed single transaction voting protocol the entire voting process as well as the verification process is done as a single transaction compared to multiple transactions in the existing protocol. The advantage of single transaction is that it consumes less time that results in overall speeding up the voting process. It is shown that the proposed scheme satisfies the more important requirements of any e-voting scheme: com- pleteness, correctness, privacy, security and uniqueness. Finally, the proposed protocol is compared with the existing protocols such as Simple, Two Agency, Blind Signatures and sensus protocol



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