瘦身6个小诀窍(6 tips to slim down).doc

瘦身6个小诀窍(6 tips to slim down).doc

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瘦身6个小诀窍(6 tips to slim down)

瘦身6个小诀窍(6 tips to slim down) 6 tips to make you thinner every day W 2009-8-5 39 Health Network Community In our hearts, a little thinner, a little thinner, like the breath of the same ups and downs. But how can you be a little thinner? In this world there are tens of thousands of people click on the website weight per second, weight loss books on an easy job to do the living books selling list, each has a slimming the advent of new products, like drums as a reminder of our eager. But where is the little bit of the magic bullet? Find the easiest problem to ignore in the process of losing weight. Perhaps the little thing is that you can make it a little thinner...... 1, find those unsightly fat We saw weight on the scales, but we ignored the fat. The researchers suggest it at least once a year to understand the fat in the body fat evaluation, distribution of various parts of the body, in order to develop plans for the basis of fat. Slimming center, fitness center, weight loss clinic have this service. The most dangerous fats - fat in the waist and abdomen. Cause internal organs burden, causing health problems, but fortunately this part of fat through exercise and diet, it is easy to lose. Fat most difficult to reduce - limb fat. Not bad for health, but it affects beauty. Limb fat is most difficult to reduce and requires patient strength training. Although it is slow to consume, the performance on the body weight meter is not very prominent, but it can make us look thinner! 2. Find a weight-loss diet that is a replacement for your current diet The most popular is how to eat more thin. In the face of a variety of channels to reduce weight recipes, brave to become experimental field? Or shy away from? After all, not everyone is a nutritionist. The first thing to change is eating habits. Habit is sure to last long. Experts suggest that in choosing a weight-loss diet, we must examine five aspects: A, is the diet low in fat and low in calories? B, ingredients are easy to bu


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