罂粟壳(Opium poppy shell).doc

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罂粟壳(Opium poppy shell)

罂粟壳(Opium poppy shell) Opium poppy shell A dried nut shell of poppy Papaver somniferum L. for poppy plants. Also called imperial rice shell (medical origins), millet shell (easy qzx-agnh), rice shell etc.. Acid, sexual, sexual. Into the lungs, kidneys, large Gut passage. Function: stop lung, cough, astringent bowel, constant pain. Indications: cough, chronic diarrhea, dysentery, hematochezia, prolapse of the anus, and the pain, spermatorrhea, heart more urine, leucorrhea. Oral administration: decoction, 3 ~ 10g; or into the pill, scattered. [modern research] Main ingredients: poppy (Morphine) containing morphine, codeine (Codeine), Tibane (Thebaine), (Narcotine) and narceine narcotine (Papaverine) and narcotoline (Narcotoline) alkaloids. Sedo-, heptulose, D-, D-mannoheptulose, Myoinositol, and erythritol are also included (Erythritol) et al. Pharmacological action: morphine, codeine, poppy shell of noscapine and papaverine alkaloids are widely used. Its pharmacological effects are mainly: 1. the analgesic effect of morphine has a significant analgesic effect and a high degree of selectivity. When analgesia, not only the patients consciousness is not affected, but other feelings also exist. The effect of continuous pain is rather episodic and acute The effect is strong. If the dosage is increased, the sharp pain is also effective. In addition to improving pain threshold, the principle of analgesia is also an important factor in the change of pain response. After morphine, the pain can still be felt, but it seems tight The ordinary reactions such as Zhang, fear and withdrawal have disappeared, and the patient is suffering from pain. Pain that is often accompanied by pain can be easily tolerated if it is cancelled. The analgesic effect of codeine is approximately morphine 1/4. 2. hypnotic hypnotic effect of morphine, but shallow sleep and easy to wake up, can not be regarded as true hypnotics. Codeine does not lead to sleep. 3. respiratory depression and antitussive ef



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