荣格最新营养搭配表(Carl Jungs latest nutrition list).doc

荣格最新营养搭配表(Carl Jungs latest nutrition list).doc

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荣格最新营养搭配表(Carl Jungs latest nutrition list)

荣格最新营养搭配表(Carl Jungs latest nutrition list) Prof. Han Minggui (for reference only) Prof. Han Minggui: Director of China Council for the promotion of medical exchanges. Medicine for more than thirty years, is rich in nutritional knowledge and treatment experience, help countless patients freed from pain. Treatment depends on doctors, health on their own. Blood circulation system 1, primary hypertension: fish 2+ phosphorus, 2+ a, 3+ calcium, 3+ snail 15 (age and signs of bleeding, change the fish to sub) 2, blood volume hypertension: sub 2+, Portuguese, 3+, phosphorus, 2+, snail 15 (fish oil and linolenic acid can not be used in large amounts) 3, nerve hypertension: phosphorus, 2+, calcium, 3+, snail 10 4, secondary hypertension: the treatment of primary diseases 5 、 cerebral thrombosis (1) 6, cerebral hemorrhage: spiral 20+, Portuguese, 3+, calcium, 3+, complex dimension 4 7, wind heart disease: garlic 5+ bee, 3+ worm, 3+ a, 3+, snail 20 8, pulmonary heart disease: Portuguese 3+ insect, 3+ a, 3+ phosphorus, 2+, snail 15 (Aloe Vera flowers a pack per day) 9, coronary heart disease: sub 2+ phosphorus, 2+ a, 3+ calcium, 3+ screw 15 (angina pectoris, arrhythmia, is a manifestation of certain heart disease) 10, varicose veins (hemorrhoids): fish 2+ phosphorus, 2 A, 3+ bee, 2+, snail 15 11, AA: Bee 3+ phosphorus 2+ blood 3+ + 20 (placenta stem with screw to the end) 12, iron deficiency anemia: blood 3+ iron, zinc, calcium, 5+ complex, 4+, snail 20 13, hypotension: spiral 20+, Portuguese 3+ calcium, 3+ sub 2 Two, the digestive system 1, loose teeth and bleeding: Portuguese 3+, calcium, 3+, snail 15 2, cholelithiasis: P, a, BLD 3 grains (Gallus gallus sunburn dry to the end) 3, jaundice: phosphorus, 3+, bee, 3+, insect, 3+, a, 3 4, viral hepatitis: (mainly drugs), Jin Zun, 2+ peak glue, 3+ chitin, 3+ Cordyceps, 3+ Spirulina 15 5, alcohol liver, fatty liver: fish oil, 2+ phospholipid, 2+ chitin 3 6, fibrosis, cirrhosis, liver ascites and liver cancer: chitin, 5+ phospholipid,


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