黑木耳吃法(Black fungus eat law).doc

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黑木耳吃法(Black fungus eat law)

黑木耳吃法(Black fungus eat law) How do you eat Auricularia auricula? How do you eat Auricularia auricula? Black fungus steamed to eat nutritious, but must be steamed water hours, and then can be mixed with sesame sauce to eat, and if you add cucumber mix, will serve half an effect. The case of blood fat, but also the role of weight loss. Stir fried day lily with black fungus Auricularia auricula is rich in protein, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B and other brain needs nutrients, of which vitamin B2 content is much higher than vegetables. Day lily is also rich in brain and nervous system nutrients needed, and has the five internal organs, Li Gong, eyesight effect. Early pregnancy often eat this dish, there is the role of brain and nerves, and beneficial to fetal brain tissue cell development, increase intelligence. Raw material: Fungus (dry) 20 grams, Lily (dry) 80 grams, 3 grams of salt, MSG 2 grams, 10 grams of chopped green onion, peanut oil 25 grams, wet starch 15 grams, 100 grams of vegetarian soup. Make: 1, the fungus into the warm water bubble hair, go to miscellaneous wash, and tear into a piece; day lily with cold water bubble hair, to impurities wash, squeeze the moisture. 2, set the fire pan, put peanut oil pan, add chopped green onion stir fragrant, then add mushrooms, Lily stir fry, add salt, MSG, vegetarian soup, stir fry mushrooms, Lily cooked tasty, thicken with wet starch, pan serve. 3, in the production, you can add some lean meat stir fry. It is advisable to choose dried flower of day lily to prevent fresh lily from being poisoned. Scrambled egg with black fungus Practice: 1. Black fungus with warm water bubble hair, wash, dry. 2. Bring five eggs into the evening. Add the right amount of pepper, salt and chicken essence. Stir well. 3. Heat the oil in the pan and pour it into the egg juice. Then spread it into egg crust and mash it with a spoon. 4. The pot and hot oil, add chopped green onion and garlic smell, add fried fungus. 5. Stir in eggs and stir fry.


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