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Texting, Tweeting, and Other Internet (短信、推特和其他互联网)
T e c h n o l o g y
Texting, Tweeting, and Other Internet Abbreviations
By Judge Herbert B. Dixon Jr.
fter I finished a recent presen- were severe, requiring each message to be based on the need to get a point over
tation on the subject of social as short as possible. After typing blurbs quickly, there developed the need to use
Amedia, a colleague in attendance of random sentences on several sheets, as few words and letters as possible to
confidentially told me that he had no Hillebrand noticed that the blurbs nearly get one’s point across. There is even a
idea what we were talking about when always measured out at about the same book, ttyl, based on Internet IM transcripts
the panel discussion turned to popu- length, just under 160 characters.1 between three high-school girls facing a
lar Internet abbreviations such as OMG, There were significant disputes within variety of emotional events in their per-
PITA, and WTF. I was amused, to say the the committee whether 160 characters sonal and social lives. The book is writ-
least, but my colleague’s candor gave me would be enough to communicate most ten in the same way in which today’s
the idea for the subject of this technology thoughts. To supplement this rather Internet slang abbreviations are actually
column as an aid to other similarly situ- unscientific experiment, two other unsci- used.4 Interestingly, there have been at
ated collea
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