广东版三年级上册英语Review 2教学设计.doc

广东版三年级上册英语Review 2教学设计.doc

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广东版三年级上册英语Review 2教学设计

广东版三年级上册英语Review 2教学设计 第一时 Teahing Latin: Vabular, Target Teahing betives: 1 Language and sill betives: 1) Vabular: Be able t read and spell the rds and use the rds: balln/ballns, andle/andles, present/presents, ie/ies, fl, read, sing,dra,si,,ae,ndles,ierea,bread,rie,il,ser,baseball,ftball, tennis,basetball,ping-png Target language: a Be able t understand and use the flling expressin prperl: A: H ld are u? A: an u…? B: I’ … B: es, I an/N, I an’’t A: hat d u lie? A: D u lie……? B:I lie…… B: I lie…… 3) Funtin: Be able t tal abut ages,abilit,expressing lies and dislies 2 ral and Strateg betives: T tal abut urself use the sentenes ●Teahing e pints: T have Ss t understand the ne rds in the vabular T tal abut urself b using the e rds and sentenes ●Teahing Diffiult pints: T have Ss read and spell the ne rds in the vabular T tal abut urself using the e rds and sentenes in authenti situatins Teahing Aids: PPT Teahing ethds: Tas-based Apprah, uniative Apprah Teahing PredureTeahing Ais Ⅰ ar up Tal abut the students use the sentenes,了解学生的基本情况,复习已学过的句子。 Revie 1 Lead in Sh the PPT Let the students read and spell the ne rds in vabular 2 Sing the sngs Sing the sngs abut unit -8 3 Revie the sentenes in Unit -8 (1)Let the students ae a dialgue use the sentenes in unit -8 A: Hell,xxx B: Hi,iss u A:H are u? B: I? fine,thans A: H ld are u?B: I? nine A:an u…?B: es, I an/N, I an?t A: I lie bread hat d u lie?B: I lie… A: I lie ser D u lie ser? B:es, I d/N,I dn?t I lie… (2) Pair r (3) Atin (4) Tal abut urself Fr exaple: Hell, I? xxx I? nine I an sing and dra But I an?t si I lie ndles,il and ie rea I dn?t lie ae I lie ping-png and tennis I dn?t lie ser 通过用看图拼读的形式,引起学生的学习兴趣,让学生进入学习的好状态,同时复习了单词和字母。 通过让学生唱歌,即提高了学生的学习兴趣 同时也复习了-8的Target整个复习过程都贯穿在这几首歌当中,学生学起很积极,很有兴趣。 通过用Unit-8的句型用自己的话介绍自己这个活动,即巩固了所学的句型,又锻炼了学生的口语表达能力。 通过小组活动让每个学生都有机会参与,让每个学生都有机会说英语。 通过表演让学生在情境中学会运用所学句型。真正达到学以致用的目的。 Pratie 1Listening exerises pen the b Revie 2 P9 N 3 Listen, l and irle N 4 Listen,read and irle N Read


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