盘点用药误区90%的人都中招(Inventory errors 90% of people are caught).doc

盘点用药误区90%的人都中招(Inventory errors 90% of people are caught).doc

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盘点用药误区90%的人都中招(Inventory errors 90% of people are caught)

盘点用药误区90%的人都中招(Inventory errors 90% of people are caught) Inventory errors: 90% of people are caught Does penicillin need oral testing? Is aspirin really a panacea? Can the pill be taken over a long period of time? Today, the State Food and drug administration releases information about public safety medication, reminding you of some of the most overlooked mistakes in medication. According to WHO statistics, half of the worlds patients do not use drugs correctly. In China, medication safety is equally urgent. According to the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association safety medication popular science dissemination expert, Peking Union Medical College Hospital director pharmacist Zhang Jichun introduced, a network investigation involving 450 thousand shows, nine adults have medication mistakes. ? Penicillin must be done first skin test? The State Food and drug administration has pointed out that penicillin, which uses either intramuscular or oral administration, must be tested for penicillin before the use of penicillin. ? Patients who need a long-term injection of penicillin have to undergo a skin test to replace the same drug or batch number or stop for more than three days. It is recommended to have a skin test before each injection of penicillin to ensure safety. ? Aspirin double edged sword, excessive mess is harmful? Aspirin, with more than 100 years of history, can be used to prevent and treat certain cardiovascular diseases as well as antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory drugs. ? But there are several groups of people who are not taking aspirin: people with stomach and duodenal ulcers can cause bleeding or perforation when they take aspirin Some asthma patients may suffer from urticaria, laryngeal edema and asthma attack after taking aspirin Pregnant women taking three months of pregnancy, will cause fetal abnormalities; long-term use can cause delays in childbirth, and cause bleeding risk, 2~3 weeks before the birth should be disabled. ? Aspirin has the fu


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