白宫风云第一季字幕PART 16 20 Hours in LA.doc

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THE WEST WING 20 HOURS IN L.A. WRITTEN BY: AARON SORKIN DIRECTED BY: ALAN TAYLOR TEASER FADE IN: EXT. WASHINGTON, D.C. - NIGHT 2:38 A.M. EST CUT TO: INT. BARTLETS LIMOUSINE - CONTINUOUS Bartlet and Leo are inside the limousine. Its headed for the airport. BARTLET I dont like putting him in this position. LEO I know. BARTLET I just dont want you to think that Im getting any pleasure in putting him in this position. LEO Well, he knew the vote was going to be tight. BARTLET Its ironic. LEO Yeah. BARTLET I mean its ironic that it all comes down to a vote on the ethanol tax credit. LEO Yeah. BARTLET 50-50 tie. LEO I understand the irony. BARTLET Are you being brusque with me? LEO Its 3 oclock in the morning. BARTLET Im just saying you cant blame me. Its what you get from having an even number of senators. LEO Yeah, you should blame the constitution. BARTLET Thats what I usually do. LEO Yep. BARTLET [to Ron in front] Ron, am I going to meet her on the plane? RON Yes, sir. BARTLET [to Leo] Zoey got a new agent on her detail. LEO I heard. BARTLET Have you seen these new agents? LEO Ive seen them. BARTLET Theyve got the hair, the backpacks, the clothes. Walking around campus strapped to a 44 magnum. LEO They really blend in, huh? BARTLET Let me tell you something, when its your kid, you dont want them blending in. You want them wearing a sign that says, Im carrying a loaded gun, and the safetys off. LEO [pause] Can I say this one last time? BARTLET No. LEO If you get tired-- BARTLET Leo. LEO Stay at the hotel for the night. BARTLET I wont get tired. LEO Youre not going to sleep on the plane, youre going to be running around all day, and then youve got the fundraiser to do at night. BARTLET I want to come home after the fundraiser. LEO Thats a full day and night. Round trip, D.C. to L.A. in 24 hours. Its really no good for you. BARTLET Itll be fine. LEO [beat] Be that way. BARTLET Your impersonation of my mother is getting sharper and sharper, you know that? LEO Thank you.


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