联合新时期中小企业的发展之路(United the development of small and medium sized enterprises in the new era).doc

联合新时期中小企业的发展之路(United the development of small and medium sized enterprises in the new era).doc

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联合新时期中小企业的发展之路(United the development of small and medium sized enterprises in the new era)

联合新时期中小企业的发展之路(United the development of small and medium sized enterprises in the new era) Abstract: Recently, Chinas small and medium-sized enterprises have developed rapidly, in expanding exports, employment, increase the fiscal revenue, active in the national economy has played an important role, has become an important part of the national economy. But in the face of fierce market competition, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises are facing unprecedented difficulties, the weak link of capital, talent, technology and management become the bottleneck of its development, in order to break the plight of the rapid development, by itself, slow accumulation is difficult to bear fruit, but the road to the joint. Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises, combined with a situation of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country and the main problems faced by small and medium-sized enterprises at present about 000 million, accounted for 99% of the total registered enterprises, labor-intensive export products and high-tech exports are mostly small and medium-sized enterprises in the production and exports of small and medium enterprises accounted for 60% of total exports; provides about 75% of urban employment opportunities, Chinas rural labor transfer from the vast majority of small and medium-sized enterprises to absorb. In the rapid economic growth since zeroth Century 90s, 76 of the new industrial output value. 7% is created by small and medium-sized enterprises. SMEs pay about 0% of the total industrial and commercial taxes paid by the state each year. However, in the rear of development, SMEs are faced with certain difficulties in the face of various factors. The problems are mainly concentrated in four aspects: funds, talents, technology and management. Financing channels are not smooth, financing problems faced by SMEs are more urgent, financing is still the most difficult problem in the development of smes. Financing of small and medium-s


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