谈集控运行关键性岗位的培养(Discussion on the training of key positions in centralized control operation).doc

谈集控运行关键性岗位的培养(Discussion on the training of key positions in centralized control operation).doc

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谈集控运行关键性岗位的培养(Discussion on the training of key positions in centralized control operation)

谈集控运行关键性岗位的培养(Discussion on the training of key positions in centralized control operation) Discussion on the training of key positions in centralized control operation Time: 2011-04-21 15:33:00 source: paper format Author: rank name It is the soul of the power plant to set up the duty guard for centralized control operation of power plant. The on duty technique of the centralized control operator is the fundamental guarantee for the safety, reliability and economic operation of the thermal power plant and even the power system. Whether it is a new power plant or an old power plant, the key job is the centralized controller. Thus, it is very important to train all duty attendants with centralized control and operation. They usually train one post inspection, two post inspection, three post inspection, and then train them as all-round operators. Key words: centralized control operation; key position; training The power station operator is the soul of the power plant, and the on duty technique of the centralized control operator is the fundamental guarantee for the safety, reliability and economic operation of the thermal power plant and even the power system. Whether it is a new power plant or an old power plant, the key job is the centralized controller. Centralized control operation is divided into three major parts: steam turbine operation, boiler operation and electrical operation. Operators are single professional graduates, such as electrical engineering, automation professional graduate, into the power plant, engaged in electrical operation; heat and power engineering graduate, into the power plant, engaged in steam turbine or boiler operation. The academic profession is consistent with the work you are engaged in. Due to the consistent use of learning, operators have a relatively fast grasp of skills, skills and practical ability. With the deepening of the reform of power industry and the breaking of industrial monopoly, the electric power enterprises have st



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