近代史5(Modern history 5).doc

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近代史5(Modern history 5)

近代史5(Modern history 5) The fifth chapter is the new way of Chinese revolution 1, how does the Chinese Communist Party represented by Mao Zedong explore and open up a new road to Chinas revolution? (1) carrying out the armed struggle against the Kuomintang rule; In August 1927, the Central Committee of the Communist Party held an emergency meeting (87 meeting) in Hankou, which thoroughly solved the right opportunism error of Chen Duxiu in the late period of the great revolution, and determined the land revolution and armed opposition to the Kuomintang policy. 87 after the meeting, held the Nanchang uprising and the Autumn Harvest Uprising, Guangzhou uprising hunan. The Chinese revolution has thus come to a new stage. (two) take the revolutionary road encircling the city from the countryside Take the countryside as the key point, go to the countryside, start the peasants, carry out the agrarian revolution, carry out the armed struggle and build the base areas, which is required by the objective law of the development of the Chinese revolution after 1927. The development of the revolutionary road to encircle the cities and seize power by the countryside has relied on the collective struggle of the party and the people, and has absorbed the collective wisdom of the party and the people. And Mao Zedong is an outstanding representative among them. (three) Mao Zedong not only pointed out the direction of the revolutionary attack to the countryside in practice, but also expounded the importance of the armed struggle and the thought that the countryside should become the center of the party work In 1928, Mao Zedong wrote Chinas red political power for society can exist? Jinggangshan, the struggle and other articles, clearly pointed out that taking agriculture as the main economic Chinese revolution, with the development of military uprising is a characteristic; also scientifically expounded the armed struggle under the leadership of the Communist Party in the land revolution


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