透视木马程序开发技术(Development technology of perspective Trojan horse program).doc

透视木马程序开发技术(Development technology of perspective Trojan horse program).doc

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透视木马程序开发技术(Development technology of perspective Trojan horse program)

透视木马程序开发技术(Development technology of perspective Trojan horse program) Perspective Trojan program development technology, virus source code detailed 2009-08-23 00:09 source: IT Chinese laboratory Author: anonymous [I want comment] [review] in recent years, the hacker technology continues to mature, caused a great threat to network security, one of the main means of hackers attack, is the use of Trojan horse technology, penetrate into the main machine system of each other, so as to realize the remote operation of the target host. In recent years, the hacker technology continues to mature, caused a great threat to network security, one of the main means of hackers attack, is the use of Trojan horse technology, penetrate into each other in the host system, so as to realize the remote operation of the target host. The damage is big, can not be overlooked, hackers in the end is how to make this kind of destructive Trojan, Trojan below I conduct a detailed analysis of the source code, let us to the Trojan development technology to do a thorough perspective, from the beginning to understand the Trojan technology, more secure the management of your computer. 1, Trojan classification Trojan horse technology development so far, has gone through 4 generations, the first generation, that is, simple code stealing, sending, etc., nothing special. Second generation Trojan horse, in the technology has made great progress, glacier can be said to be one of the typical representative of domestic Trojan horse. The third generation of Trojan horse in the data transmission technology, but also made a lot of improvements, there have been ICMP and other types of Trojan horse, the use of malformed packets to pass data, increasing the difficulty of killing. The fourth generation Trojan has made great changes in the process of hiding, using the kernel inserted mode, using the remote insertion thread technology to embed the DLL thread. Or hang PSAPI, to achieve the hidden Trojan program, even



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