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人体形态科学 第1节 绪 论 1.人体形态科学的定义 Human morphology        运动系统:骨、关节、肌肉 消化、呼吸、泌尿、生殖系统 脉管系统:心血管系统、淋巴系统 神经系统 内分泌系统 感觉器 一、运动系统概述 locomotor system 骨:连结形成骨骼,构成支架,支持体重、 保护内脏,并参与运动,充当杠杆 关节:在运动中作为支点,起枢纽作用 肌肉:运动中赋予动力 (一)骨 3.骨的化学成分和物理性质 有机质:胶原纤维束和黏多糖蛋白等。 无机质:碱性磷酸钙等。 (二)关节 p58 骨连结的方式 1. 纤维连结 软骨连结 3. 滑膜关节 (1)滑膜 关节的基本构造 (2) 滑膜关节的辅助结构 韧带 关节盘 关节唇 滑膜囊 (3) 滑膜关节的运动 屈和伸 (跖屈、背屈) 收和展 旋 转 : 旋内、旋外(旋前、旋后) 环 转 (三) 肌肉 p61 (4)滑膜关节的分类 单轴关节 滑车关节 车轴关节 双轴关节 椭圆关节 鞍状关节 多轴关节 球窝关节 平面关节 肌腹 腱-腱膜 肌的形态 长肌 短肌 阔肌 轮匝肌 肌的构造 1. 肌的形态和构造 2. 肌的起止、配布和作用 脏层 壁层 3. 肌的辅助装置 (1)筋膜 浅筋膜 深筋膜 (2)滑膜囊 (3)腱鞘 纤维层(腱纤维鞘) 滑膜层(腱滑膜鞘) 4. 肌的分布概况 2016 Concept and division Human Anatomy is the science which deals with the gross morphology and spatial interrelations of the structure of the body .For medical students, human anatomy is the basic course of preclinical and clinical curriculum. Human anatomy division 1.macroanatomy systematic anatomy regional anatomy   2.microanatomy histology cytology embryology surgical anatomy surface anatomy X-ray anatomy sectional anatomy locomotive anatomy Anatomy branch of biology body structure Human anatomy Comparative anatomy Embryology cell biology covers the internal anatomy of the cell, while histology is concerned with the study of aggregates of similarly specialized cells, called tissues. Related to anatomy is morphology, which involves comparative study of the corresponding organs in humans and animals. Various modern technologies have significantly refined the study of anatomy: X rays, CAT scans, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are only several of the tools used today to obtain clear, accurate representations of the inner human anatomy. Human anatomy is often studied by considering the individual systems that are composed of groups of tissues and organs; such systems include the skeletal syst


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