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加强天津与英国职业教育交流与合作 促进天津职业教育改革创新发展 天津市教育委员会主任 靳润成 2011年12月6日 Dr.Jin Runcheng, Director General, Tianjin Municipal Education Commission December 6th, 2011 * * Strengthen Tianjin-UK Vocational Education Exchanges and Links Enhance the Reform and Innovation of Vocational Education in Tianjin 发展意义: 对于繁荣经济、促进就业、消除贫困具有重要意义 职业教育 The profound function of vocational education Vocational education is significant for economic prosperity, employment promotion and poverty elimination. 当前发展形势: 1.世界各国大力发展职业教育; 2.中国正处在经济发展方式转变关键时期,对职业教育工作提出了新的更高要求。 职业教育发展形势 The Present Situation of Vocational Education The current situation: 1. Countries all over the world vigorously develop vocational education; 2. New and higher requirements has been imposed on vocational education as China is in a crucial period to transform economic development mode. 天津职业教育现状 天津市政府始终高度重视职业教育发展,特别是随着天津滨海新区开发开放纳入国家总体发展战略,天津职业教育进入了科学发展的快车道。 Vocational Education in Tianjin Tianjin municipal government attaches great importance to vocational education. With the Binhai New Area District’s becoming part of the national strategic development plan, vocational education of Tianjin is undergoing a rapid development. 独立设置的高等职业院校26所,在校生14万人 中等职业学校113所,在校生13.6万人。 天津职业教育现状 Vocational Education in Tianjin 近几年,全市企业新充实的技术工人94%以上来自职业院校 26 vocational colleges with an enrollment of 140,000 students 113 secondary vocational schools with a students population of 136,000 In recent years, over 94% of the newly employed skilled workers of enterprises in Tianjin graduated from various vocational colleges. 2005年,与教育部签署协议,共同建设 首个国家职业教育改革试验区 2010年,实现了由试验区到示范区的升级换代 天津职业教育发展历程 History of Vocational Education in Tianjin In 2005, an agreement was signed between Tianjin and the Ministry of Education to jointly establish the first national reform experimental area. In 2010, the experimental area was upgraded as a national pilot area. 坚持以行业办学为主的体制, 推进职业教育向规模化、集团化方向发展。 1 完善工学结合人才培养模式, 促进育人过程与生产


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