新编英语教程6 Unit 2课件.ppt

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新编英语教程6 Unit 2课件

5. When Harry Met Sally...?– Director (1989) 《当哈利碰上莎莉 ?》 影片以柏拉图式感情的可能性(或称不可能性)为主题,展现了都市男女的困惑。 6. Misery?– Director (1990) 《危情十日》(斯蒂芬·金的小说改编) 7. A Few Good Men?– Director (1992) 《好人寥寥》或《义海雄风》汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise;戴米·摩尔Demi Moore ;杰克·尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 1993年奥斯卡最佳影片,最佳男配角,最佳剪辑,最佳音响四项提名 5. Study in small blocks instead of long time periods. For example, you will accomplish more if you study/work in 60 minute blocks and take frequent 10 minute breaks in between, than if you study/work for 2-3 hours straight, with no breaks. Reward yourself after you complete a task. 6. Motivate yourself to study: Dwell on success, not on failure. 7. Try to study in small groups. 8. Break large assignments into small tasks. Keep a reminder schedule and checklist. 9. Set realistic goals. 10. Modify your environment: Eliminate or minimize noise/ distraction. Ensure adequate lighting. Have necessary equipment at hand. Dont waste time going back and forth to get things. Dont get too comfortable when studying. A desk and straight-backed chair is usually best (a bed is no place to study). Be neat! Take a few minutes to straighten your desk. This can help to reduce day-dreaming. Does procrastination have any advantages? Do you ever postpone things, or just forget about them for a while, or tell yourself, Ill get to that later? Do you sometimes feel guilty about it? Well, its true that procrastination can be a bad habit, but there are times when it can be useful. Procrastination When You Are Unsure Sometimes procrastinating makes sense if you arent sure you should be doing something. If you havent started that business, for example, maybe your unconscious mind is saying you arent ready to do it. Look into the reasons for your procrastination, not to rationalize your lack of action, but to see if there really is a good reason to wait. Procrastinate When You Know Its Wrong This is where we all need to learn better procrastination. Just put off eating that piece of cake until


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