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《美英报刊选读》课程论文 Title: A Brief Analysis of?the English Economic News’ Headline Class:09级英语3班 Name: xxx Student Number: xxxxxxxxxxx Teacher: xxx Date: Oct. 21, 2011 A Brief Analysis of?the English Economic News’ Headline Abstract:Headline is a key factor of the economic news, featuring unique stylistic characteristics. This paper, based on the functional stylistic theory, makes a tentative study of the economic news’ headline from the perspective of grammatical characteristics, news vocabulary and rhetoric feature. Key words:Economic news, title, stylistic characteristics, context Part 1 Introduction In journalistic language, the research of the features of the economic news’ headline is comparatively few, but it is an extremely important area. There are two reasons: Economy is tied up with everyone, economic activities related to all aspects of social life, and the subject matter of economic news is widespread but it is difficult to drive. Today, economic news focus on the people’s livelihood and gradually become an indispensable part of our lives. And it has a prominent position in the press. Headline is the eye of news, people usually concentrate on headline when they read. The most important function of headline is can reveal the substance of news succinctly so that readers can get as much information as possible in shortest time. Part 2 The stylistic characteristics of economic news’ English headline The economic news English as a kind of second type of writing of news English also follow the principle of news ABC棗the accuracy(s精确), brevity(简洁), clarity(清晰). And accuracy is a guarantee and premise of real, objective and credible. Due to limited by report object itself and objective economic phenomenon, economic news is impressed by its abstract, profound and unattractive. In order to improve the artistry and concordance, the headline of economic news’ conception and expression should be changed. The refinement of headline is the most important part to decide the


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