教案4.构词法 word formation.ppt

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e- 加强或引伸意义 evaluate 评价 elaborate 精心制作,详细描述 e- 出、外 eject 投出,掷出 emigrate 移居国外 en-/em-(m,b,p) cause to be come, put into the stated condition;加强或引伸意义 1.enlarge endanger empower embody 2.encage enroll 3. enclose entrust enlighten * ex- former前任的、以前的 ; out; out of exclusive 不包括...的 expose export ex-president extra- outside, beyond以外、超过 extraordinary extracurricular fore- in advance, before, in or at the front foretell foresee * in- / il-(l) / im- (m,b,p) /ir-(r) not ,加在形容词和名词上 illegal illogical incapable insensible injustice imperfect impolite irregular in- /im- (用在b,p,m之前)into inside indoor intake immerge 浸入,没入 inter- between, among相互,在...之间 international interline interchange interview intra- inside, within在内、内部 intrapersonal内心的 ,intracity 市内的 * intro- within introduce 介绍 introspect 反省 kilo- thousand kilogram kilocalorie macro- big , large macroeconomics macroworld宏观世界 micro- extremely small , microwave microscope * mal- badly, wrong坏,不当 加在动词、名词、分词上 maltreat 虐待 malnutrition 营养不良 malfunction 机能失常 mid- middle midterm medium mini- small, short minibus mis- bad, badly wrongly misuse 乱用 misfortune 不幸 * mono- one; alone monologue monotonous 单调的 monodrama 单人剧 monoxide 一氧化物 multi- many, more than one multinational multiply non- not(不,非),加在名词和形容词上 nonresident 非定居的 nonsmoker nonstop * out- outside. beyond外、出 ;胜过、超过 outburst 爆发 outlet 出口 outnumber 数目超过 outdo 胜过、超越 outlive 比...长命、比...耐久 over- too much, above, additional过度、太甚;过度、太甚 overwork 过度劳累 overload 超负荷 overbridge 天桥 oversea 海外的、国外的 * poly-many polyfunctional 多功能的 polydirectional 多方向的 post-later than, after Postgraduate postpone 推迟 pre-/pro- /pri- before , in advance


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