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十六大时态和两种语态:语态:主动词态和被动语态一般现在时 do/does (do代表实义动词)/be (is.am.are )”是” “现在经常发生的动作或者表达客观真理或事实” everyday every year every other two days of ten usually always 被动语态: is .am.are +done “主语和谓语动词之间存在一种被动关系”且谓语动词是及物动词 为前提eg. Mr smith doesn’t take exercise every morning .动词的单数是加s/es 复数是原形 Students don’t always arrive at school at 7 a.m everyday .Tom is good at learning English .Tom isn’t 18 years old.Sun rises in the east .The earth travels around the sun .Mr smithwrites a new bookevery year .----被动语态 把主动语态的宾语变成被动语态的主语。把主动谓语动词变成相应的被动语态的谓语动词形式注意其单复数取决于变化后的主语的单复数 加by +主动语态的主语(是代词要用宾格)加其它A new book is written (by Mr smith) every year .Teaching buildings are painted every two years.一般过去时 did /be (was .were )”动作发生在过去” last night 3 days ago , last year , yesterday evening/morning . just now .”做……。了”被动语态 was/were+done “过去被……。”eg. i stayed up to see a film last night . Tom read a novel about scientific research just now. A novel was read by Tom about scientific research just now .3, 正在进行时 is /am/are doing “现在此刻正在做某事” now , at this time / at this/the moment look/listen!被 :is /am/are +being done “现在正在被 做”We are taking notes in the English class now. --Notes are being taken in the English class now.过去进行时 was/were +doing “在过去的时间点正在发生的动作” at 7 a.m yesterday 被: was/were +being done “过去正在被做”eg. i was sleeping in my house at 7 a .m yesterday What was happening at 12 p.m last night ?过去进行时What happened last night?一般过去时eg . Mr smith translates several books into Chinese every year .一般现在时 Tom painted his house yesterday afternoon.一般过去时 we are taking part in the meeting in our meeting room now . 正在进行时 what was he doing when(连词) you visited him从句?What was being done by him when you visited him ?Jane was translating a novel into English when i came to her house.A novel was being translated into English when...Someoneaccusedhimof stealing a wallet last night.H e was accused of stealing a .....现在完成时 have /has(n’t) done “现在已经完成了某事对现在造 成的影响或结果” so far /till now a


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