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粗糙集理论论文:基于Rough集的属性与属性值约简方法研究 【中文摘要】Rough集理论是由20世纪80年代波兰人Z.Pawlak提出的一种新的数学数据分析工具,它通过上近似与下近似来处理不精确性、不确定的知识,它具有演绎、归纳和常识推理三种能力。因此,Rough集理论在知识获取、决策分析、专家系统和模式识别等方面得到了广泛的应用。Rough集理论是一种处理模糊和不精确性知识的一种有用的工具,其核心的思想是在保持分类不变的前提下,通过决策表的约简,求出潜在的知识与潜在的规则。本文以Rough集理论为基础,创新点如下:1、本文的分析角度与一般方法不同,本文从列方向考虑约简过程,而一般的方法是从行方向考虑。2、本文把属性约简与属性值约简两个不同的过程集合在一起,同时进行,而其他一般方法对属性约简与属性值约简是分开进行的,先属性约简,然后属性值约简。3、本文的算法只要扫描一次决策表,由此求出所有属性的等价类族,然后利用对它们进行集合的交集运算,那么就可以根据结果判断出哪些属性值是核值,哪些属性值不是核值,哪些属性是否可以被约简。 【英文摘要】Z. Pawlak, Poland, has put forward Rough Sets theory that is a kind of mathematics and data analysis tool in the enghty of the 20th century. It does deal with the unaccuracy and uncertain knowledge by lower approximation and upper approxiation, and it has three kinds of ability:deducing, summing up and general knowledge reasoning. So, Rough sets theory is widely used study in the machine soon, such as knowledge acquisition, decision analysis, expert system and pattern-recognition, etc. It already becomes the focus-studied in information processing.Rough Set is a kind of tool that handles unaccurate and fuzzy knowledge. Its main thought is that if keeping categorised ability unchange, after decision reduction,it can attain the potential decision rule and potential knowledge.The main innovation of this paper is shown as follow:1. The analysis of this paper is different from the jeneral methods,it considers the reduction from the column direction.2. This paper put the attribute reduction with attribute value reduction together, while other jeneral methods first make attribute reduction, then make attribute value reduction.3. The algorithm of the paper only decision table onlye once,then computes all of the equivalence classes,then computes theirs intersections.so we can judge which attribute can be omitted and which attribute value can be deleted. 【关键词】粗糙集理论 属性约简 属性值约简 等价类 【英文关键词】Rough sets attribute reduction attribute value reduction equivalence calss 【目录】基于Rough集的属性与属性值约简方法研究 摘要 3-4



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